Hey, I could like make a temporary leader. I could put it on the list, and put "(Temporary! Please take this spot!!!)" Next to his/her name?
xD Definetly. That guy flamed me in a PM o.o
... I'm already second in command. xD And, I cant think of another character. Anyone else? xD
I need someone to be Number I of the new organization before we can start.
xD I don't care about the however so many years I'm going to live, why the h311 should I care about how long the earth lasts? I think that global warming is there, but the majority of the reason the earth is heating up is because the earth is going through a cycle. Like I'm sure many people in this thread have said. Ice age was cold, now it's going through a hot cycle. Since this is natural, it obviously isn't going to desroy the world! xD So, My theory about global warming rules out it destructing the world, but everyone's theory is different. The sun might be expanding, but at a very slow rate. Like, a milimeter every million years. I don't know, this is all theory. No one really knows how this world is going to end, and I don't plan on giving it much thought.
I understand that many people think this way, but I don't xD What matters is what really happened. He didn't die, he got a few more-than- minor injuries, and, The maker of this thread and his friend will look on at this later and laugh. =D At least I hope you guys do ^^. I'm glad that your friend is okay ^^! I think I am the only one that found the fact that your friend got hit by a car and wasn't badly hurt amusing xD.
Being twelve years old, In 7th grade, hah, I'll admit, I'm a little spoiled, My mom got me brand new furniture for my room, I have a computer in my room, a TV, a VCR, A DVD player, my whole house has satililite TV, I have a PS2, h311, I Have everything I want. I even have a replica keyblade, xD. Yet, sometimes I think about how, I don't need/want some of my stuff. I don't even watch TV! I'll go downstairs and watch the news or something once in a while, but I only use the one in my room to play my PS2, which I rarely use twice a month, as there is a better one in the living room. xD But, seriously, Just because I have a lot of stuff, doesn't mean I'm completly spoiled rotten. I'll look at the tags to see if something I want is too expensive at the store when clothes shopping, And if I can't get something I want, I don't throw a tantrum, or even really get dissapointed. xD But really, I can't believe how spoiled some kids I see actually are! Kids at school, I've seen more than once, will actually pick on other kids who have less money than them! It is truly sad! I sure hope this isn't the way of the future...
Firekeyblade: Xinaram is already number VIII(Eight). I'll put you at #IX (Nine) for now, If you want a different number, just ask! Is Xelgan a good name? For now I'll put Xangel until you find a better one. EDIT: All added! A few more people and we'll start, okay?
Can you use like, a different character of some sort? It'd just make it easier... And, as a reply to your last post, Beging and shouting won't get you anywhere with me.
Hey, seriously, I'm sorry, FinalForm, But can you make that a little more Kingdom Heartsish? And use this form: (I filled it in to give you some idea of what I'm talking about, but you can erase what I wrote) Name:<Xakugyn> Age: <16> Appearance: <Menacing Red eyes> Hair: <Short black hair, Spiked up.> Skin color: <white, but darkned to a tan> Clothes:Black Organization coat. (Every member wears this!) Number: <Sorry, but I need more of a description to let you be the leader.> Element/Ability/Power/Whatever you want to call it/:<Shadows> Title: <The Night's Shadow> <Personality here>
Okay! I'll add you now.
. ..*.*.*.***BEFORE EVEN THINKING ABOUT JOINING, READ THE RULES***.*.*.*.. . http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=37179 AND NO MORE CHATSPEAK. UNLESS FOR A JOKE. KTHXBAI. Ok, so had this idea. And here's the story for it, made up right on the spot :P _________ "We have all seen them," Vexen spoke, "Late teen-aged people, in black coats!" "Of course we've all seen them but your theory is a bit paranoid, don't you think?" said Zexion. "The kid's right," Xigbar responded. "Your idea's a bit... out of whack," "I think we should get rid of them, regardless. They're obviously Nobodies, and they obviously don't plan on joining us," Larxene suggested. "We don't know that yet," Luxord said, "They may be debating whether to ally with us," There was long pause. The group of thirteen sensed something, A presense of someone other than the thirteen members, A Nobody not of Organization XIII! "And," a voice spoke, "We've chosen not," A girl, about Roxas's age, appeared. she was floating in the air, right in the middle of the circle. She floated a bit lower than Xemnas's chair, and her dark green eyes stared strait at his gold ones. "Actually," She continued, "We've been spying on you for quite some time. I even know some of your names!" She let out a small giggle. "Heh, you," she raised her arm a bit and pointed to the Xemnas,"Are Xemnas, number I." "How long have you been watching us?" Xemnas demanded. "Oh, I'm not telling," She let out another small chuckle before dissapearing in a cloud of darkness. "I told you..." Vexen muttered. __________ Basically, there is another Organization. They have no name as an Organization, but they want to challenge Organization XIII. Currently they live in a castle similar to the size of Castle Oblivion. I need people to be Organization XIII, and I need 13 original characters. The original characters have to have an X in their name! If you can't think of a name, I would be glad to help you! If you can't think of an OC, be an Organization XIII member! #) Name: Username Organization XIII I) Xemnas: Nymph of Destiny II) Xigbar: III) Xaldin: IV) Vexen: *TwilightNight* V) Lexeus: VI) Zexion: Nymph of Destiny VII) Saix: *TwilightNight* VIII) Axel: *TwilightNight* IX) Demyx: X) Luxord: XI) Marluxia: Tularim XII) Larxene: Nymph of Destiny XIII) Roxas: *TwilightNight* Nameless Organization: I: Xadyn, CarbuncleGem II: III: IV: V: VI: Max, Deathsight44 VII: Reixa, chula-claire VIII: Xinaram, CarbuncleGem. IX: Xangel, FireKeyblade X: XI: Toxcst, Captain Kuchiki XII: May, Deathsight44 XIII: Larpex, chula-claire >.> I update every other century. Here's who I'm playing, The girl who intruded in their meeting. =P ____________ Name:Xinaram, or Xin, for short. Age: 16 Appearance: Dark green eyes, as seen in the story. Hair: Medium length Midnight-blue hair, tied in a loose ponytail, and long bangs that partially cover her left eye. Skin color: White with a slight tan. Clothes: Why did I put this? Black Organization coat. (Every member wears this!) Number: VIII Element/Ability/Power/Whatever you want to call it/: Zomg, I had this huge explanation here, but since I realized that you can shorten it to one word, I will. Telekinesis. Title: The Vivacious Twilight She is like second-in-command of the nameless organization, althouth she is number VIII. She has a cocky, playful side, and she has a serious side. If you get on her bad side, you are in big trouble, but other than that, she's really friendly. __________ they live in a world called Shrouded City. In the world, there is a small city, blocked off from the rest of that world. Outside of the city, there is a large forest, surrounding the castle in which the nameless org. live.
No more Sorrow - Linkin Park
Shut Up - Simple Plan
Place for my head - Linkin Park
I speak to you-from the Wii! I`m using the Internet channel on the Wii. lol xD Anyway, I`m really liking this story! It`s really neat so far. LOL Riku totally pwned that guy, seriously xD.
Hi! ^^ Welcome, don't spam, follow the rules, etc. etc. And most importantly, have a good time!!!
...Wow. *Stares at the wall with fingers ready to type* What do I say? I wasn't here for any of that. Although I wish I was. KH-Vids has changed, hasn't it? Even in the few months I've been here. Thanks for the story.
If Sora worked where I imagine he does in the pic you drew, I would SO throw him off the Palms tower. ...No I wouldn't. I'd seriously get him back in some... Real clothes. *has gone blind* Good drawing, though!
Hey, you've got a point there! xD But, I'm not sure. I'd be cool if Axel actually was Reno, though.