*yumi jumps on the over wing and follows noah*"show off!"she yelled
*she ducks down*hey luxid did you want to feed the duck i have bread*she throws him a loaf of bread*
*yumi sees the overwing and bike*"yeah hi noah come on you heard jeremy we have to get to the edge of the sector!"
*yumi lands in lyoko and sees noah*"Hey noah!"
laugh at me will you saix well i suppose i will let you and i'm in a good mood and know you can be quite slow so why don't you open the door
"i'll go to"*she steps in the scanner
i really don't get why my traps aren't working *she stomps the floor where the portal is supposed to be and she suddenly ends up in a locked room*oh so it just needed a little more sensitivity fortunately my trap i have the key*gets out a completely stupid key that spelt the word key in its shape she then opens the door she then goes to the next trap that suddenly kicks into action when it stops she is pretty much jus not hurt well except for burn marks everywhere*yowza why is it always me?
ooc:ok i'm really sorry i haven't posted much i'm trying to make up for it right now i only have half an hour
ooc:hey what did i miss this time by the way i'm sorry i haven't had much time to post ... its been a hectic week i should be able to post more next week
*she slaps her head*you are useless you know what the point of having traps is?well let me just say that it does not involve letting prisoners have rest rooms
saix you are stuck in a room with phycos and there is no rest room
good decision so you are't planning on double crossing us later? OOC:i gotta go now c ya tomorrow
OOC:ok the ice sector BIC:*gos to the ice sector*"hey zeke"
OOC:i know so where is he?
OOC:well if everyone else is fighting Zeke and his dark monsters shouldn't i go to?
Name:metupacu Gender:female Age:16 Weapon:metu blade(a long sword made fro real silver but stronger) Power:thunder Items:potion,hi potion,ether,mega elixer
OOC:oh ok thanks sooooo am i supposed to be doing anything at the moment?
can i join? Entry Form: Name:maleka Gender:female Age:16 One Special Power: can hover to stop falling Vehicle:feet Weapon: two daggers tell me if there is anything wrong
OOC:yes i know but it can still be disabled OOC:what have i missed
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiii'''''''''''mmmmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnooooooooottttt suuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeeeeee wwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiiiiii aaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm ttttttttyyyyyyyyyypppppppppiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggg ttthhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiisssssss