hi how ya doing?
well all 4 of my gold fish and my cat the first 2 goldfish was my fault they needed a bubble machine but i didnt know so they dies the other goldfish died of old age and my cat got hit by a car i let it out i went somewhere i came back it was on the sidewalk dead anyways i gotta go now let me know what has happened tomorrow bye bye
if infamey means infamous then i go with that i don't like hastle and i'd be famous for most hated in england
your welcome and please don't call me nam i don't like it hey who has had pets that died i had 5 pets that died
*wakes up*thanks CtR oh and lordknightxiron nice picture why are you such a great artist?
all 60 member whoa that makes me feel dizzy*passes out*
um hi sorry i didn't see your post saying hi but anyway hi oh and CtR i made my avatar work do you like it
great but the avi doesn't work
ooc:okie dokie come back uh when you come back bic:uh aelita how about 4 mega tanks 10 crabs 3 blocks and 5 trantulas*points at them*
i finished my avi now i'll have it equipped in a sec oh and i like badger kidding the worst joke in history here is a fact i like radioactive Llama pie
no no no it works i didn't get it but my signature just appearesd afterward yay hey i'm gonna try and make myself an avi for myself
Thanks but it says remote file is to large T T no wait it works woohoo now i have a real siggy yay
i can see it full view aswell i didn't download it nice use of organization 13 or at least their hair oh by the way Goimez could you give me my sig now please
hi guys i'm back
yeah the potion is just something i stole from you... uh i mean myself *looks from side to side nervously
*hugs back*yeah i'm back i so missed you everyone *drinks a potion that makes arms rubbery ang hugs everybody at same time until potion wears off*
hi i don't think we have met you can either call me twin sis or ahley
hi i'm really sorry i haven't posted for a while i feel so ashamed of myself i abandoned the family for a couple of weeks or months of tv and bed the only reasonable excuse was that i had a couple (of hundred) packs of cookies so who wansts cookies?oh and nobodys angry right oh and can you give me my siggy i know youve done it but my internet went funny yesterday so i lost it
hello i'm back so whos missed me?i know i missed all of you who wants a hug?
try checking to make sure the "show signature"has the box ticked