hello my family is anyone here?
ooc:um sure hang just ill this in and your ready name: power: weapon: appearence: i'll start bic: larxene walks around the garden but starts thinking she already did it"what is going on!!!!!!!!!?"
okie dokie if you want you can start as for me i'm going to bed if anyone else wants to join pm me ok night night
basicly this rp is about organization having a normal day fighting and whatever else they do but then start to suspect they have already done it(because the day keeps repeating itself) characters axel:Prince of Twilight larxene:naminestwinsister luxord: marluxia:Chendler xemnas: xigbar: xaldin: roxas:Twilight_Wish demyx:hitna3510 siax:FinalForm zexion:darkheart418 lexaeus: sora: riku: kairi:lanihead7 namine:
i like having real freinds to talk to listen i'm gonna go to bed in a minute i think i'll be back tomorrow
ooc:you be zexion?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:rofl: YOUR IN i'll start bic:*larxene was running around making thunder inside the castle damaging some of the rest of the organizations stuff like marluxias flowers and demyx's sitar and saix's stargazing stuff*"hahahahahaaaaaaa"larxene laughed she couldnt wait to see the rest of the organizations faces when they saw their stuff ruined she knew she wouldnt be able to survive saix's wrath though so she had to hide
yes of course and do you want me to start?
um could i be namine
can i be larxene or namine larxene teaching geography or namine teaching art
can i please be larxene please
yeah its great especially for moody people i wouldnt pay attention to my mood its just feelings that i get
yes yes axel you can be axel
Name - ashley Age - 16 Gender - female Biography - she has wanted to join the organization all her life Appearance - a blue dress with long brown hair Weapon/power - telekenisis (can move things with mind)
yes hi *gives you a cookie*
ok i'll add you all to the list start whenever you want
tthanks and i we ARE actually in a dream i never want to wake up ever ever ever*wakes up and finds the same page of the computer on*yay who wants cookies?
ok in this rp its all about how organization XIII got trough childhood wheather they were together or not rules 1.only swear if you use *'s 2.dont use organization XIII's powers for causing destruction everywhere characters roxas:SORA! xemnas: axel:ishotansem larxene:naminestwinsister marluxia:Chendler xigbar: xaldin: vexen: saix: demyx:DreamerOfDreams luxord: zexion:Raxbend lexaeus: namine:Nymph of Destiny
yes i AM here or you could be dreaming people in dreams cant tell if they are in a dream i was wandering if you could help me i was wandring if you could tell me how to upload videos to youtube
i just missed you and i still feel like i'm not here:(:stupid::locked2: