*ish jumped* Nachoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! I jumped my friend today. It was fun :D -Aerith- Wow! O.o I know how that feels.
Booo, that stinks, I'm sorry. :( (Wordies wordy wordy!!)
Hey, Aerith! Fine, and you? -DP- Ohhh, man! Hope you dun get sickeh! -khchick- :p I'm good, and yourself?
Ohhh, cool! Yesh, yesh I did, khchick, I was going to tell you that ^.^
Hi guys! *waves* Um.. What's going on, exactly?
This is really good, Aerith! I likeh it! And Rain almost has the exact name as meh!
Maaaan... My internet shut off on meh. I was not happy. >.> But... Good morning! ^^
Hi, family! How are we this evening?
I'm homeee~! But we'll see how long I'm on here for. -.-;
Oh! No, I haven't yet, but I will as soon as I get home! (Ebil school ish calling meh >.<)
-Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress- Sorry, I didn't put I was leaving. But I had to get off or... Well, I just had to get off. And I'm so sorry to hear that, but I can kind of relate. But we're all family here! Also, you can call me Raine if you'd like :)
Of course! I wouldn't laugh at your name, it's prettay! Mine's just ******ed. Night, guys! *huggles* Sleep well! Maaan, now I'm alone, aren't I? Yep.
Mmkayyy Thanks! I like yours too! ^.^
Yesh. http://www.myspace.com/total_anime_freak ^^^^ That's meh!
Nyahhhhh It said I have to know your last name or e-mail. I ish sorray!
Hi, Ian. My hand hurts uber uber badly. -HisNobody- Yay! Thank you! ^^ -Tidus- Sorry! *bows* :( Niiiice going. I do have a shoegun, you know. >.>
I'm back, once again! >.> So, what happened? Did Chibi try to keel Tidus while I was away? ...Could I add you, HisNobody?
Welcome backeh! But now I've gotta go do dishes. Jeez, I hate irony!! >.<;;
That's a good sign, then. My mom told me that if it starts raining, no tornadoes are near. But that's just what she told me. OwO But sleep well!
Oh my gosh, that's awesome! XD Wait until he sees it.