*gigglefits* You look sooo prettay, Zexy! *takes picture and runs* :D Wait until Axel and Roxas see! *takes millions of piccyatures* One for me, for Xemnas, Xigbar, Vincent.. Hey, Aerith! Did you? That's great! I hope you have fun, I did! ^^
Hi, mommy! *hugs* Hey, Ian! How are you guys? -Zexion- Give meh that hair!! :D:D:D
*waves* Bye, DP! Sleep well when you head that way!
*dies laughing* I do remember Zexion's purple dress! So that's where it's been! XDDD
Yeah, I dun like coffee either. But some stuff in Starbucks is good. (I don't trust Tidus with Carl >.>)
I like storms, I dunno why. They used to scare me to death.
I wish it would rain here ='[ It's 74 degrees >.> Dang.
Oh. I've never seen it. Hey, twilit_shadow, Forsaken Shadow! *hugs HisNobody* I missed you too! ^^ Uhm... *pats Tidus on the head* Hello, Tidus.
*blinks* So, what's going on, guys?
Yeah, Marly was just helping me ^^
EDIT: Wait, yes he does!! Ummm... No, sorry, Tidus. I dun drink.
Sorafan! Hi!! What's going on? Hi, Tidus! -Ian (NOT JAKE!!!)- Meh ish Macie.
*duct tapes Tidus' mouth* Husheh! *hangs head and sighs*
What? Nu! Your name is IAN! I-A-N, got it memorized? Not Jake.
Yayness! Thank you, Marly!! *runs with smexy Zexy hair* Ian doesn't remember meh? *drops Zexy's hair and cries*
MARLUXIAAAAAA~! You said I could have it, remember? -Ian- Yes, you have a family. You're a son.
Hi, Nami! *waves* I'm LAH or Macie, the Insane Child. -khchick- That's good.
Hey, HisNobody! *ish glomped* ^^ khchick!! *hugs* I'm good, you? Are you all right, Ian?
What...? Nevermind, this is what I get for leaving and coming back in the middle of a conversation.
Uhm.. All right! *protects Tidus* Sure, thank you!