Vincent-dearest isn't very happay. But I'll be back later guys!
Good idea! *pats head* ^^ ...I'm frightened to look at it, but... Okay. *gets Cerberus* Oh, Vinnie! For moi? You shouldn't have! X_x *takes gun and runs* Run, Forrest, run!!
Yeah... *glares at Tidus* Tidus-dearie? If you were smart, you'd run.
... Show emotion! Quit being emu! We aren't emu in this familay! I'm not part of this family. Shut up. >.> Yeah! I know 'guten taq' is 'good day' I think. I forgoted how to spell it. That's why we all luff him so! I'm okay.
German? Duuuude! I'm German. I know, Zexy, I know. *pats head* I don't come here often. Vampires.. What are you gonna do with 'em?
I know how that is @.@ And Demyx went on vacation, so Vinnie-dearest has to take his job. ...
So... Many... Colors!! @.@ Owwie... That looked like it hurteded. I ish all right, thank you ^^ ...Did you guys know laughing is great ab excercise?
*waves* Hi, dad! How ish thee? Well... I'm thinking about dragging Vampire Valentine into our happy group.
Hm... You can pick just about anyone.
-Ichigo- All righty! ^^ -Shadow Tactician- ...I dunno! I just talk to everyone...
Hi! Am I supposed to call you Ichigo or Namine? *confused* Just wondering. *covers head* Dun keel meh, please! But I've had better days. I'm very boredededed myself.
Well who doesn't love spinny chairs? They make you fly. :p
Hello, hello! Maaan. But that's the fun part, falling out!
Hey! *huggles all* I'm all right, just following Vincent. What about you all? Night, Namine! Sleep well!
So... What all... Did I miss, guys?
*scratches head* Um... Did Macie miss a lot yesterday?
Hehe, you look so beautiful, Marly! You all do! XD But I think I gotta go. Talk to you all later, much love to you all~! *waves and disappears in smoke with Demyx*
Hehe, yesh, yesh I do! Sora... and Riku... in dresses... *more maniacal laughter* Ahem... I'll be back in a minute!
MySpaaaaaaaaaaace!! *posts pictures on MySpace* Bwahahahahahaha*chokes*hahahahaha! She's just a bit loopy. NUUUU! *ish afraid of Saiix* Wait! I'ma shoot him with Vinnie's gun!! =D
*huggles HisNobody* It's okayyyy. Here! Look at this peecture of Zexy in a prettayful dress! Blech, Seymour! *shudders* Saiix reminds me of him.