Apparently, Effron has rather impressive brainwashing skills. idk, I've never seen his work, save one appearance he made on NCIS.
I hear ya; my evolution textbook cost around $100, but the edition's being revised, so I'm getting, like, 2 bucks back. >_<
*gasps, clutches chest where heart is, reaches out dramatically* Oh, you WOUND me! How couldst thou ever be so cruel towards the arts?!...
I'll say this much about the people who adapted Zyuranger into MMPR: They payed attention and responded to the fans. When the green ranger died in Zyuranger, he stayed dead. The only reason why they brought Tommy back was because he had such a huge impact on the audience and fans, that they responded by bringing him back for the fans, which is also why they adapted him as the White ranger; just before he was going to return, he auditioned for the part of 'Ryan Steele' on VR Troopers, but then declined when he learned they were going to bring back Tommy. Speaking of more Tokusatu, VR Troopers was probably the most widely adapted American shows; it had, I think three or four Tokusatsu it was based off of. It was cancelled after two seasons, because they used us so much stock so fast; most of it got used up the first episode, and they reused it over and over. Yeah, she died in a car accident in 2002. Huge bummer. Found out, years later, that the reason she, Walter Jones (Zack), and Austin St. John (Jason) left was because of a payment dispute.
*smiles* I'll give it a shot. I'll try to be creative. *:sly:* Oh, you wish!
I just noticed something: In the clip, Terra, in his armor, right before the clip of Aqua holding the frozen Ven, had black and gold armor, right? When you fight Terra in KH2:FM, isn't his armor scarlet and gold? Am I misreading that, or do you think that has something to do with his crossing over?
Shoot, I'm drooling over the fact that Sora and Riku are confirmed in the game, now, even if they aren't playable characters. It's official, any way you look at it: With both groups, past and present, in this game, it's officially, Final Mix boss level, even!
By want one to be over that thing we talked about, in pm? *grins* I told you before, I don't give up easy.
Love the colors in both. As for critique, have you ever tried drawing things out in stick figure first? That can help out a lot with proportions.
Let me know if you think of something. *pokes back, grins* I feel the same way when you think opposite like that.
Any requests? *grins* Which is why I support mine. XD
We'll see what happens, right? *hugs* That's your opinion.
*nods* Okay. I'll try and have something for you ready, maybe a drawing. Who knows ;). *smiles, hugs* You know what I'm going to say about that.
I went through two finals, a 14 page term paper, a powerpoint presentation final with a 5 page term paper, another 5 page term paper, and, for the all-nighter, 17, 15 questioned, 30 minuted timed online quizzes, along with 6 50-word responses to questions, and 6 20-word responses to peoples replies. I can hardly believe I don't have any work to do. My eyes are getting droopy. Need sleepy. Nighty night.
No, I did not. *stretches, reclines back, puts head on armrest* I got done with all my finals, I'm moved back home for the break, and I'm trying to catch up a bit on drawing before I get some much needed sleep, especially since I pulled an all-nighter earlier today.
If you say so....if it makes you guys feel any better, had to go through a reeaallll headache to get here.
*nods* I know that story. Do you know when you'll have free time again? Or at least, when you'll be done with finals? ._.; ......yyyeahhhhh, it...
*flops down on couch with bag of cheetos* Wassap, fams?
Wow....I'm starting to feel bad about posting this thread, after hearing some of your schedules...
I agree; so far, the adaptation, no matter how far stretched from Ryuki, is actually pretty decent, all things considering. Besides, MMPR is one heck of a stretch from the Zyurangers. I read up on them on a few websites, and, in terms of sticking with the original script, they butchered it, and I'm just referring to the first season. Yet, they still made it work well.