Eww, gross! Mommy, what would make you think we'd do incest?! It's nothing like that!! I'm trying to make a rump roast with Dem's rump, but she's being selfish and won't give it to us!
I speak Spanish, not Japanese!
Toy Story and Dumbo, I can't see as worlds; minigames, yes, but not worlds...mainly because I didn't like their movies. Gargoyles...it was kind of dark for a Disney cartoon (infamous episode where Elisa gets shot), but I can see Goliath being a summon (either him or Bronx :3). Same with Bonkers. Robin Hood would be a pretty good world, but it would have to be stretched a little far. Chip N' Dale I think would be a little cute, having the two chipmunks temporarily reunite the old detective agency, possibly as scouts/making new gummi ships. I would, though, like to see Darkwing Duck involved in KH, as a summoning, if nothing else. Think of Sora and co. reaction to, "I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the surprise in your cereal box! I! AM! DARKWIIIIIIIIING DUCK!"
Well if you're going to take on the kid that's beatin' you up, you might as well go all out and get Jackie to train you.
Imma gonna do somethin' mischievious...
*dons plastic gloves* Come, come, it's all in the name of science!
Gather 'round, fams! We's havin' roasty rump for dins! We must surgically correct! *goes to scrub up*
It was either that or have a rump roast. :huh:
We should put it in the family freezer, so we can reattach it later.
A Pizza Hut topping of legendary proportions, fair maiden. Yeah, but, really it's like 7 or 8 main different, and the rest are splintered from...
Huh...guess we'll get to play with those two again, after all. Wonder if we'll get some of their previous techniques...
I'm used to only pork sausage...and cheese. XD Yeah, but the cutscenes are pretty good, though. It starts off 'meh', but you get used to it....
What's on it? I'm not familiar with it... Yeah, not fond of either; too much of a hassle navigating through Sora's cards versus Riku's not...
Clearly, if you're planning on doing that to them. New kind of pain.
*tilts head in confusion* I try and pay a compliment, and this is the result. Fine! *diva walks to trailer, locks self in, speaks to self* I...
I'm not really digging the 'fight' text. It just seems out of place amongst the sig, as well as those few lines you've added to Aqua's hair. The rest appears great, it's just those two things.
True that, both in causes and seriousness; volcanic ash emissions, and methane production from cows breaking wind produce more CO2 than most cars. Though, most scientists will get angry if you point this out. lol, there was this one special on the Discovery channel (I think), where the 'seriousness' of global warming would mean for us. One of the scientists interviewed said, basically, that science is never a for sure thing, nor are their predictions, but they are certain about the science behind global warming issue, and the predictions that they've come up with.
What kind? :huh: Awesome. I got it, but never finished it. Forgot how much I hated the card battle system. I'm working on Days instead.
Yo, homeboys and homegirls! What brings you to the hood? ...bad white guy saying, right there.
Okay, I'm awake! S'okay. Yours?