lol I just had the random idea to install a sub woofer to the side of it XD But then I remembered space is a vacuum and sound cant travel in a...
Mine is from an anime called Death Note. To be exact, this pic :D [IMG]
So, anything awesome happen since we last spoke? :D
We can make the new one out of Swiss cheese rather than blue :D I'm totally in! I will carve my face into the side of it XD
Who knows lol. Once I have the base Vexen done, it shouldn't be too hard to customize the other guy XD I guess I could make both out of boredom.
I noticed lol. A cookie if you can tell where mine is from lol.
Agreed XD My next choice is Zexion and say "Twilight isn't literature" lol
Oh, my bad. About an inch and a half a year XP And I know! D: Whoever the epic person is who takes my spot will be so sad! D:
lol That's one I have yet to hear. Any reason why Demy? lol Logic vs laid back?
lol Yea! I don't fail horribly! :D Who do you think I should replace Axel with?
How is the moon leaving the earth's orbit? Oh that's easy lol. Its going just a smidgen faster then the Earth's gravity would like, so it has a...
Van you tell what it is? XD Can you tell its a dude in an organization cloak and boots? lol (Basically the only thing I have done XD)
A trip eh? Why not just look where your stepping? XD lol (Haha, I made a horrid pun XD) I do hoe you enjoy yourself :D Traveling is fun :D Well,...
lol Thanks! :D I love spoilers! XD How are you? Your thoughts on the gif? [spoiler]
lol not as long as I. I once had the same avatar for over a year XD
lol It depends on how you apply the pain on the assness XD It can count and it cannot. Kinda like how I can be stubborn, but really its pointless...
[IMG] This is what I have so far of the first frame. Your thoughts? lol The thing is, life is just about as hard as you make it lol. I could go...
You know the science rules gif? [IMG] I am re creating it and replacing Axel with somebody lol. Vexen's hair is annoying the living hell out of...
Hmm..... Can I come? :D lol Meetings can be a bit of a drag. Unless it has to do with fun stuff. However, if it involves a meeting, it usually...