Meh, if you will excuse me, I am headed to bed XD night.....err... morning lol.
Staffy for the win XD I saw they had openings so I applied for a media job with cut scenes and such XD KHV has very little archiving in the way of...
Anything good? Anything worth wild? :D
So much talent! :DI asked for an encore and got a ten hour video! :D
Forever is a very long time, especially when it ends XD
lol I do not watch the voice. I am assuming if you voted for then they are good, so no point in asking if they are any good XD
Oh, and I was wondering. The other day I applied for a position in staff. Do you think I would make a decent staffie?
So, till then, wazup?!? :D
lol My cell phone does the same thing XD
I dunno. Perhaps insanity has just gotten us both and we both see things in a distorted way. Whats the old saying? Through rose colored glasses or...
lol I would lie and say you didn't XD You have my word of silence! :D (Oxymoron)
Oh, tomorrow? lol sure.
lol Afraid not. My parents are asleep (their bedroom is right next to the living room, which holds my computer.) It is 1:00am XD
LOL I was wondering how you managed to do the fancy format thing lol. Your secret is safe with me.
yea, I will be there lol. Noon my time or yours?
I see. Whats the doc have to say? *takes the light thingy they stick in your ear* *light shines out the other end* Have you hung out with me too...
lol Good night my good friend :D
Ha, you just need to join the old soul's club to understand XD And yes, you have. Confuzzling is just another way of saying fun XD