Meaning she has it all on there, its just bugging you for a code? I see. There are many ways of going about that lol. You could just block the...
lol Its funny how much better the world would be if governed from a child's point of view XD lol Well, not completely. Just things like peace,...
Niiice XD Can she do the same for me? lol Then again, I do not do much video editing. What is left to do?
Ummm..... Ummm..... >.> I see no cracks XD The surface of the program looks completely smooth to me :D lol JK. Yes, i admit it. Its a habbit I...
Ah. I would just let them pass lol. Then again, I am saying phuck nearly all borders, so I would let anybody pass really.... LOL XD Oh, you get...
Ah, cool :D I myself am a fan of photoshop lol. You already knew that lol. I got it for free :D (If sopa were still around they would hate my guts...
Oh? What program has you? :3
What is a blackfoot?
Do you know what model camera you have? That would probably help in a google search. I have yet to find any programs that edit the camera itself,...
Sure, on khv, I will be here :D I will show it to you later lol. Later man :D
lol There is an excellent place for getting your level up right in the pride lands. You know of it?
I have unfortunately not read it. Whats it about besides borders and most likely separating people when they should be brought together?
Leveling up lol. If you can't piece that together then you my friend need really go to bed LOL
lol Fair enough XD Make it to 99 yet?
You know what? I want to travel the world and say F U borders! You divide us! lol
You seem to have an eye for detail. There are a few pics I am looking for. One really cool one I want is a spider web after it rains lol. I have...
I am going to avoid leaving a comment on all of them saying they are all awesome lol. They are epic :D
You only beat him four times? lol I have lost count XD Not to mention all the times I hacked the fight XD Hacked fights are fun :D
See XD Exactly why I am asking XD This is coming from a dude who only leaves the house for school and when being dragged for groceries XD Where...
I see. What do you do up in Alaska? I am well aware that not all of it is frozen wasteland and it has beautiful scenery. What is there to do up there?