She's nice, wait more than nice, she's UBER NICE!!!!
Still, I wish I had one, then I'll make a video about me and my sister with the yak, and me and my yak are gonna chase my sister until we reach europe
20 second is now wasted in my life *goes and suicide* not really Wait, who's who running?
He's cool!!!! seriously, I am
The more the layers, the easier to edit just in case of a mistake. I use a 5 layers at the most, sometimes more thabn that when it's really hard both signature gets a 10 from me
Wow........and the yaks I want a yak for a pet so badly now
24960 Hey Tco
Yeah...Roxllen does the same thing, but he uses another image editor than I do Photoshop also does the same thing. I just tune the color blance that's how I did it
There was one part where you were going to Leekspin, WTF? J/k
I did this, cause I was bored Fauna Obtained Once Hollow Bastion turns into Radiant Garden Drive Consumption This form takes up 6 Drive Bars Drive Companions Any TWO party members. Basic Information This form is basically like the wisdom form only it shoots plants Leveling Up This form can only be leveled up defeating heartless and nobodies Abilities Fauna Shot - Changes the command Attack to Shoot. Mobile Action - Actions will be enabled while moving. Magic Haste - Shortens Magic casting time and enables rapid magic combos! Magic Spice - Powers up the finishing move of magic combos. Retaliating Slash - When knocked down, quickly regains balance and counterattacks with the square button. Leaf Bracer - Casting Cure will continue even when attacked. Item Boost - Items used on the field have a greater effect. Defender - When in critical health, DEF is increased. MP Haste - MP recovers faster Level Ups Level 1 - Nothing Level 2 - Defender Level 3 - Dash Level 4 - Item Boost Level 5 - Dash 2 Level 6 - MP Haste Level 7 - Dash 3 Dash - Makes Sora run faster on land by holding the Square Button while on quick run
24953 Wow....
Awesome!! most of the people I voted won!!!! WEEEEEE
^ XD yeah, I moved to another place so I was just away for a while
DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!!!! .......... ..................:sideways: <_< NOW WHAT? EDIT: whys my username red?
California, it's cheaper in Arizona, that's why Awwww *hugs* I'l miss ya too sis
23764 Great, I'll miss a lot of numbers This is why guys won't see me for while, don't know when, but.... hope I see you guys soon!!!!!!! *WAVES BYE*
I'm must be the middle child then....
That made me lol a bit