I refuse to take this on account of I am mourning Inuyasha. 100 ftw
Moo? o:
Burn your bra, take 5, and call me.
Quizes made by women dont exist.
She's so sweet :3 Edit: That was for Tootz. But I guess Beat can be sweet too :'D
Well dont get a PS3 for its backwards compatibility since the only one left that can do that is the 80 gig and that one uses software emulation of the EE chip so it cant play all PS2 titles. You should probably get a 360 for the moment. The next set of really good PS3 exclusives wont be out for a while. Plus by then maybe they'll have came out with a new PS3 model.
Thats what guitar hero is for.
Ah, Yeah I know what you mean.
That's blasphemy.
Arent you like 22? o:
Maybe MSN is just down? It happens from time to time. Edit: I agree with Beat.
Well the upgrade sure gives it a more mature look thats easier on the eyes. Most people didnt play it for long because it looked so low grade, but they'll probably be bringing in more people now.
Sadly some people still do not know that Enix was a seperate entity, which is a shame since they came out with many amazing games like Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and the Dragon Quest series. Plus they were the ones that published Full Metal Alchemist in their monthly manga.
You cant date online silly. Real people ftw.
Oh hey, its that hot chick. Im surprised Cin is still with you. Dont you know that he turns into a were-leprechaun every 777 hours?
lol Seriously? Its a strategy RPG and made by Nippon Ichi. That should pretty much tell you how the whole game plays.
Damn, I made a penis. The full version must be epic. I cant imagine the things I can make there.
Downloading now~ Its amazing how I've seen like 50+ people so far already say they're gonna make penis creatures xD.
0/10 Thatsrightiwentthere.
I dont know who you are but congrats D: