He's right. How could a very BIG beast like that survive in a small pond? Unless he's a vegetarian I could understand. :3 Well, mammals and reptiles are two different things. Reptiles are cold-blooded, mammals aren't. Now, if you're a christian then you've heard about Noah's Ark and how he only took the animals God created. I say dinosaurs are mutations of the original thing, that's why they're gone. I wouldn't consider Nessy to be a reptile because it lives in the water most of the time. Aligators and crocks are reptiles but they stay on land most of the time, which is different from Nessy. I would say Nessy is more likely a giant reptile like fish. I'm not concluding, this is my theory because turtles are reps and they stay on land and water too. So, I'm confusing myself...lol.
Yeah, I agree. You seem to pretty much see beyond science's wacky answers. Could that center of the universe be something like a big huge black hole or something sort of like that? I think Space is so spectacular...and mysterious. :D
Yeah, Aero really saved the day. I found it better than reflega because the damage was minimized. :)
They should have more logical holidays. Not something that you can't believe and that you gain twenty pounds off of.
I never found how to use reflega, I just used guard.:p
I personally like Magnera and Thundaga. I wish they had kept Aero because they really helped with obsorbing attacks. I think they should have had new ones too, like Light or something, maybe even Fog so your enemies can't find you.
When I meant light and darkness I meant positive and negative forces. I meant what would happen if this negative energy called 'darkness' entered the world, woudl everything start malfunctioning, like all the computers shut down, the clocks work backwards, lights would go out, and cars would stop and stuff like that. Could this be possible?
I love it after a thunderstorm. I remember when had one storm here in California and when the sun came out, the sky was a bright red orange and the clouds rimmed red. Beautiful. We only get cloud to ground lightning here, never cloud to cloud. But I saw cloud to cloud lightning on my trip to Texas.
Never shove your fist up in your mouth. I hope you don't gag.
This was a thought that I had about space. I am a Christian so I don't believe in the 'Big Bang' theory, but if you do than that's all right. Now, my question about space is if we are in a galaxy, and all this other stuff is in one big universe, could there be another universe like a giant galaxy out there somewhere? And if this universe and others if there are possibly any, are out there, then what would be beyond it? And, here's another question: If light and darkness are real, then what would happen to the plants if darkness invaded the plants? Would everything suddenly go wrong or would time stop completely? OK, my third question: People say heaven is up there and hell is down there, but if we traveled out of the universe would we be in heaven and if we traveled another direction would we end up in hell? Take your time with these questions! Answer the ones you feel you can answer!
I don't use it because I have a Macbook laptop and I only get Safari, but my grandma has internet explorer and I had to bear with it. I wasn't used to it because Safari is so different, and it seemed a little slower than me but the multiple tabs were pretty cool.
You should set your cell-phone next to you and buzz everytime someone e-mails you, maybe then you won't worry so much.
Oh. Okay, well, when I get home from grandma's I'll try. :)
How many? I still haven't gotten to him. It'll probably be a large number, gurrr.....
I was totally surprised. I was like "DANG I WENT THROUGH ALL THAT CHASING DOWN THIS GUY AND HE WAS A FAKE!!!!!" Lol, I was so pissed.
Oh, so I have to fight Setzer! Thanks, I didn't know. :)
I will add Xaldin later, I like to get around through most of the characters with ease in each chapter, and I'm not a violent person. But, overall, I am enjoying writing this story. :) Chapter XI: Roxas lay down in his bed, exhausted. Every muscle in his body ached from Xemnas making him clean up half of the castle, and all he wanted to do was sleep. For a few minutes he had been sleeping soundly when there was a loud rapping on his window. "Huh?" he groaned, opening his eyes. Looking around, he didn't see any of the Organization members in his room, not even red-haired Axel or big-eyed Demyx. "Maybe it was those pesty Heartless," he grumbled, swinging his legs over the side of his bed. Larxene had presented him with some blue pajamas she'd made for him - they were solid blue and a big baggy but that was the way he liked them. Peering out the window, he surveyed his surroundings. It was a cloudy evening and everything was darker than usual with the moon hidden behind the clouds. "Just heartless," he said, turning. Suddenly, the glass on his window shattered and something hard hit him on his head. "AH!" He gasped, trying to right himself. A hand grabbed his arm and pulled him up into the air. "LET ME GO! AXEL, DEMYX! XEMNAS! HELP I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!" He screamed on the top of his lungs, feeling nausea sweep over him as he was thrown out the window with his journal and Panna. "Roxas!" He heard Axel's voice ring through the silent air, saw his red hair and him in a flamming red robe as he was pulled into a great big hole of darkness. "NO!!!!!" He screamed, his voice hoarse as his vision was blocked out as the hole closed in on him. For a few minutes he could barely breathe, it felt like his throat had closed up and someone was strangling him. Then, he couldn't move at all. The darkness subsided, and his eyes closed. **** DiZ stared at the computer screen with his cold red eyes, monitoring Roxas with his multiple screen computer. He knew that he would be able to hide Roxas for some time in this replica town of Twilight Town, but how long would some time be? The Organization wasn't stupid, they were very keen and cunning and somehow they'd find Roxas... **** "I can't believe it!" Axel said, his fists clenched. "DiZ set this up, I know it." Xemnas said, typing away on the computers in his black pajamas, his face contored and pale with anger. Saix was standing at the other computer, flipping through some files. "I don't understand, the defense system was up and running at 1300 hours. Someone must have tampered with the system and changed hacked into the encoding." He said softly, his golden eyes narrowed and his jaw set stubbornly. "WE'VE JUST GOT TO FIND ROXAS!" Axel yelled, his green eyes dancing wildly like a fire pushed by a strong wind. "Be patient," Marluxia said softly, standing beside him, watching Xemnas and Saix working on their computers. "We're going to have to upgrade the system if it's going to be easy for DiZ to receive the code to unlock it; that means anyone can come in." Saix said knowingly, turning to Axel, who looked like he was about to break. "We'll find him, Axel, don't worry." Saix said in a sympathetic tone. Axel nodded, not even aware that Saix was being kind to him for once. He just wanted Roxas back, DiZ was going to PAY for taking his friend away. "I'll help, I'll help with searching for DiZ." "Are you sure?" Xemnas asked. "Yes, I'm sure, now...what do we do first?" Axel sat down at one of the computers and positioned his fingers to start typing. I'm gonna find ya Roxas, DiZ won't win this one! To be continued...
If I want to I'll talk to people with Namine's voice and they'll look at me like 'holy crap, what is she doing?' Especially my dog, Ozzie :p
I unlocked all the entries in my second file on KHII in standard mode, so I looked around and in the Twilight Town entry for the characters, there is this: ????? where a name should be. Does anyone know who that is?
Roxas hadn't joined Sora until after the battle, when all the bright white light surrounded them and he said, 'you're a good other'. Then, when Sora and Kairi came in contact with each other before the Xemnas battles where you are attacked by the flying castle, Roxas and Namine come out. I think Sora was in the real Twilight Town and somehow Roxas went there, too. It's my speculations but I think that's pretty much a correct wayt ot put it.