" What's so funny?" Lilly asked Velox.
Lilly stopped screaming when she noticed that no one else was afraid.
Lilly screamed.
Name: Lira Gender: Female Hero or Villan : Hero Age: 16 Weapon: None Abilities: Magic,and alchemy Bio: She is ble to do spells but she has to read them from her book. She can also do alchemy but to a sertain level. Pic:
Lilly ran to the window and looked out. " What in the world!!" She said. OOC: She doesn't know it's an illusion.
" Are you sure?" Lilly asked. OOC: At either 5:00 or 5:15 I have to go to dance and I wont be back untill around 8:00 or 8:30 and it will be like this every Tuesday.
OOC: oh oops and sorry but I gtg :( bye. BIC: " Yeah let me see what I can do." She said tried to heal him. She didn't know if she could heal sickness though.
Lilly stood up and walked over to Matt and put her hand on his forehead. " Your really hot." She said.
OOC: Yay pie!!! BIC: Lilly looked over at Matt. " Are you ok?" She asked.
OOC: kk bye
She nodded and turned back to the window.
" Yes very much." She said softly.
" If you say so but I thought it was really good." Lilly said and turned back to the window. Then she remembered her photo of her family. She pulled it out of her pocket and unfolded it.
" Why throw it out it was so good." Lilly said.
" Well she's very pretty and you drew her very well." Lilly said handing him back the paper.
" Wow this is amazing. And she's beautiful. Who is she?" Lilly asked.
" May I see?" She asked.
Lilly looked over at Velox. " What are you drawing?" She asked.
OOC: kk bye BIC: Lilly stood up and walked over to a seat near the window and looked out.
" Poor Matt. What I said wasn't meant to insult him." Lilly thought.