One more to make it even. =P I thought you would be online by now...I want to tell you what happened. Right now. Hurry up online. Please? D:
I'm bored. ._.
Same here. Good examples would be Skillet and Red. Awesome music. <3
Yup yup. =D
You're getting there! 8D
Rondo ~ ON/OFF
Same. =/blah
My best friend. <3 Look at my mood, y sig, and the title underneath my username and you'll see what I mean. xD 31 posts. GO GO GO. JK, JK.
Not as awesome as someone else I know, but still awesome as he can get. xD
Will Freidle is awesome. <3
Just thought I'd share it anyway. I love those videos. xDD
The older brother....dang it, I can't remember his name. DDX ERIC! That's his name! lol, this is hilarious. xD...
Same here.
I haven't watched that show in years.
Just talking to a few friends, listening to music, and looking at the pricing for a phone/accessories that I want for Christmas. You?
That stinks. D:
Never Too Late ~ Three Days Grace
That's not good. D:
xDD Ugh, I'm bored and I don't want to do my Chem homework. I mean, I have all day today and tomorrow but I want to get it done, and yet I don't. xD