Sorry but both the code hasnt been ported for PAL version yet ^^" and i can see that the guy has used all worlds unlocked code Ultima Weapon Change into Darkside Keyblade: J455-8RW2-Q7NMX K7BG-T6AM-9YPCX
11c7b810 0000081f 11c7b850 0000081f
Can anyone tell me a programs name from which i can rom hack NDS games please....??
the code is already in the first page
hymr-5h9p-eb6ju eawt-c97x-rtqxz arva-pr65-eqhay epxt-jy4f-uq0vu 5bar-t4fv-nnpun pv0k-73br-wg08d z0k3-y4ha-qzykb 85f1-rkaa-bz50p 5ym0-3nj4-527qr aqn8-mfuf-tbzac p156-hk59-rc7m6 4utw-x84j-ak6z3 ze7r-v81g-xntnw nbc1-2x3p-0uhma x9d3-25rm-yu615
This code is only made for Final Mix
which code....??
lol np i like the game anyway XD oh and i think you should you knw input more dialouges init to make it realistic like when Sora asks riku in Destiny Islands that where is kairi riku sayd the door is opened and sora says what?? then riku sayd the door is opened sora now we can go to the outside world except of this he says the door is opened now we can go to the outside world ^^"
Hey Rami can u tell me what do u use to play SWF file cause its kinda hard for me to you knw play it usin a browser ^^"
Can you teach me how to port ^^
hmm here : Ultima Weapon Change into Darkside Keyblade: 11CD43E4 00000074 Oh and btw jus red it knw that the apperance will change but the stats will also change since i dnt think a code has been hacked yet to change the model but not the stats so yea. ^^"
i already released the weapon mod as for DW Roxas with other wepaons not possible since his keyblades r i think attached to his model since u cant change them......
yeah there is but it isnt hacked for PAL region yet or if someone knows porting he can port the code.............
yup same here and sorry but i didnt get that working luxord one....??
Not Bad :D
Sigh* you r right this thread is down sadly i dont have Final Mix if i had it i would have joined with some of the guys in the forum and made some new codes for this game with them... :(
well riku already fight with you in Monstro and no the code for attacking your teammate hasnt been hacked yet.....
lol jus saw it and it only changes when gliding :P
lol no FF = 255 its jus a number in Hex but to tell u the truth even i dont get y we get 999 when we inout the digit FF its also the same with this code of mine: MINI GAMES CODE: Olympus Coliseum: ================ Barrel Breaking Points Mod: 02044899 000000XX 021949D9 000000XX when i put FF in it the final score that i get is 1022 or somethin like that ^^" oh and yea thats also a new code that i hacked three days ago :P so yea it mods the point that u get in the barrel breaking game in olympus coliseumj it wont show much when playing the game but the final score will be 1022 or somethin and i think thats the max
really awesome man btw can u also give me the link to the thread where u made Kingdom Hearts 1 Flash game....??