but remove the first line of the code if u want to play as Sora regular cause the first line will replace Sora with Roxqas so yea thought i should tell u :) Terra's Portal E003FDFF 0034D45C (R2) 2032bae0 0063050c 2032bae4 00000002 2032bae8 00000014
well these things can be bought on any shop :) lol well that wont be possibel cause then itll have to be Rom Hacked and Christmas Soras model and animations will have to be out in the game for it to appear ^^"
they are Action Replay DS so yea all of those codes are for AR DS
you have to use the same digit for both lines well but i tried the code myself and it worked or hmm wait try this code: 9204BD84 00000002 120B2D3F 0000656C 120B2D26 0000656C D0000000 00000000 9204BD84 00000080 120B2D3F 00000000 120B2D26 00000000 D0000000 00000000 Its that the character will have lexaeus moveset so yea try it and tell me what happenes........
yup i knw but he wanted to conmvert the code and thats what i did
umm sry couldnt understand that ^^"
yup same here :(
lol yup and well there must be
well this is how my framrate comes out XD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w08pvtsj6w
in YY put soras digit whicih is 00 and in XX put limits digit which is 03 so the whole code will be: 2032F074 03020100 2032F06C 03020100 2032F0AC 03020100 0032F054 00000003 201A1BE0 C60001B8 DW Limit Form 01CDB31F 00000008 21CD6208 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B Limit second keyblade is Oathkeeper: 1032EE94 00000068 DW Wisdom FIX 11CE0B68 00000056 21cd5230 46544c55 21cd5234 00004c5f 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 46544c55 21cd5252 0000525f WISDOM SECOND KEYBLADE is oathkeeper 1032EE5C 00000068 Anti Form Second Keyblade Oath Keeper 1032EF3C 0000002A Dual Wielding Roxas Second weapon Modifier 1032F01C 0000???? Drive into Valor for DW Roxas: 11CE0B70 00000323
hmm well dont know try both ways and see which one is more appropriate :P
here: WTTD replace by Kairi keyblade R6TE-4MK0-YRX82 CW5J-GM68-HMNRF Normal sora model replace by Sora (final form) model- Y92F-4R3D-QJKKN QVN2-PA1V-23QTV VJDU-WWR5-85QBR and no dont think there are any new codes released......
use the new one the large one that onw wont freeze cause it a joker code and it actiavtes when you go in a mission and deactivates when you return to the castle so yea i have made one it mods the point in the match when you break the barrels......... Hey guys yea i ported the code so yea here it Moveset Mod: 120B2D3F 0000???? 120B2D26 0000???? Replace ???? with the digits below: 6578 - Xemnas 6978 - Xigbar 6178 - Xaldin 6576 - Vexen 656C - Lexaeus 657A - Zexion 6173 - Saïx 7861 - Axel 6564 - Demyx 756C - Luxord 616C - Larxene 616D - Marluxia 6F72 - Roxas 6F78 - Xion 6F73 - Sora 6F64 - Donald 6F67 - Goofy 6972 - Riku 696D - Mickey 3272 - Dual Roxas Special thanx to Erkz for teaching me hoe to port codes XD :D
:P well tryin to find tut on Rom hacking but cant find it anywhere........... :(
lol well tryin to find tut on Rom hacking but cant find it anywhere........... :(
If u want i can help in recording cutscenes also ^^ jus tell me :)
Hey man sup ^^
Yo iwantedtoexplode sup ^^
No problem :) anytime :P
actually no the coders arent releasing the codes cause they are DMA and will only work for one room so no point in releasing the codes....