It was funneh. 987 721
Awesome. Let's sing~ Dun dun di da dun dun di dun dun~
I also watched that with my sis O_o Though, that was a few years AFTER we started going around saying 'It's the fuzz!' 987 719
Okay then *puts in hairpins* 8D
The fuzz = old term for the cops I'm so lame, I pick up these weird things from my sister and don't forget them. 987 717
We should sing a duet! Quick, put some hairpins in your hair and I'll put mine in a ponie tail. ...I think only Xennex, and possibly Deii would get that.
And comments like that just...really creep me out. Never seen it.
Oh, well then, you're free to go. Just watch out, the fuzz will be keeping tabs on you. 987 715
O_o Twin, did you get high off painkillers?
That is a slight part of it, yes. Hardly all there is too it though.
If you don't know it's not like I'm gonna just TELL you. Such a girl answer, otl -__-;
That's the second Scientology stab you've made today. Maybe it's both, but what comment had the ' ;~; ' face, now?
I get lost when you just put *number* 8D 23753406723-948623-976-958389475628346 oops, that's a super secret code, I meant this: 987 713
I'm still creeped out from that, Burnitup, and even if you are sorry it doesn't exactly matter because what was said, was said.
NUUUU Magical unicorn ponies. 987 711 Lulz 7-11 Mmmm Slurpee~
Dude, have you HEARD what he said to me before? ;~; btw, Deii is a crappy Chis Hansen.
E_E Why?
She is to everyone. No need to fight. I didn't 'get mad' I am 'mad' but mad is a tame term for it.
987 709 80 off of being magical.
Me, I think? If not by noon tomorrow. :/ I'll go with that.