;~; but it happens all the time *cries* Aww, thank you. I dunno, some people keep telling me I should do some tutorials so yea, maybe that can...
Then it wouldn't really be a habit.
Satako looked the riceballs over "It's this one!" she put one riceball down and took a bite out of the other "Hmm..." Rika stared at the two rice balls
.... Why?
Like what?
I can get my friends in it too, we can all contibute 3 things.
I should make a video for youtube: Odd habbits 101 1: Eating ketchup out of the bottle 2: Drinking orang juice with a squirt bottle 3: Sitting upside down everytime you can when on the computer
I wonder what people would say if they knew you named the kidney stones? :sideways: I'm drinking orange juice out of a spray bottle
Don't look at me. I'm terrible at names.
....You are. With kidney stones.
What she said. >_> She's the one in pain, she's the one you listen to. It's getting liek it was before, even with plan 724 in action. If you're right about there being a Devil. I am to somewhat....and yet I'm here procrastinating, wtf?
Thank you~! Ugh, but just watch, in a week I'll start being able to point out all the mess ups I made when I drew it. -__-;
Anyway, I gotta go now, see ya all later if I'm right. ...and if you're right... Well then, that just sucks. 8D
Hey, at least if I get possessed it will make me believe whatever crap you wanna tell me.
Apparently we contacted a dead girl, Nattalie. Though I can pinpoint the liar.
"Hah, nice one." Vash looked down at the kid "Come on, get up"
Well, what a coincidence, I'm about to go call on the Devil. Besides that, I need to prove that I'm not so easily fooled as the rest of the people that are in this.
Dun make be stuff you in a box! D:< Besides, how do you know I'm a girl if ya don't know me? HMM??
XD nice. I luvs it *hugs it* I'm so proud of it~
To what? I would laugh if it was Godai. e_e DO EEET, CHANGE IT TO GODAI. Have fun getting 269 posts.