I need sleep.
Mari-dot, I never said anything directed at you.
In plain sight, but still, nothing. The power of words only works on those with open ears. Silence, is as the same. How does one fall so far into oblivion, yet one word will still set the fires raging? Edit: Deii, it's been more than that.
Exactly what I say. :sideways:
That's what they all say. I wasn't actually getting 'high' by the way. I just really likes the cherry and watermelon ones...and blueberry...and green apple. Purple smelled like a old tire though, it sucked.
>_> SOMEBODY said I should stop getting 'high' off them, so I got an intervention. And what did you mean by 'Good for you'?
Well I know who's next for Intervention. heh...smelly markers..... wait...I still have those. *le gasp* What?
Suuuure. I'm not changing it to a SZS name. Zetsuboushita maybe as a joke, but I wouldn't
For you maybe, but I shall never change mine. ....unless I find something even more epic to join the fandom of, but I think MTNN takes the lie. It would have to be pretty damn good to beat it. e_e SZS comes close though...
Wah! It reformed! *drops the box and runs*
Deii, start posting more around the site. You must get a name change.
Oops, I've made a box for you, though there is a dead body in it. Sorry. Will it still work?
Ah! I have a box, do you want one?
Yes. I think you should.
I think somebody's in for a Neuro Facepalm.
You forgot the knife sharpener. Don't forget to eat the head.
;~; It shows you're improving if you can point out mistakes you missed before? Yea, mine is just EVERYWHERE I think I have one, kinda, but not...
Who.....Doctor? 8D Pssh, I would SO get it. Along with most KHR, SZS, and any other things we both somehow know. Icecream sounds go good.
"I don't blame him, with what's happened in such a short amount of time" Vash looked over to where he last saw Koain and Sky fighting, then looked around the area "I'm all for getting him somewhere a little more safe, but if he's not gonna come, we can't really wait" OOC: Sai is epic, he puts people in boxes. .....But yea, it's Razzu
Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine. Gotta gotta be down, because I want it all.