It's alright, thanks again. Edit: Currently working on putting the red box in the right corner. The edit should be up soon.
Thank you, but umm... It's not Light, it's Sai. >_<
It's a British show. I'll have to watch it after I finish MTNN wait, wtf? Why didn't I think of that? Have you seen Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro? Thought so.
I'm make sure I practice explaining things better. I epic fail at explaining stuff...
Doctor Who? Sadly, no. Do you me think of something ROFL Niiiiice. I'm pretty sure I've seen that before. Also, I love your sig! Hey Ex, I'm doing alright, and yourself?
Alright then If you ever do want an account though, I can help.
Ah, yea, do you think I should put it in the right side, rather than those lame flowers?
Hey guys. I didn't really do much to my original art, biggest thing is the colour tint. But anyway, what do you guys think, does it looks alright as a sig? It's Sai from Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (MTNN), and not whatever else has a Sai in it. CnC would be nice, I couldn't think of much I could put on the right side, so I put a flower pattern >_< Any ideas you have for better use of the blank space would be great. That's actually pretty much the reason I'm posting this, is because I need a better idea of that spot. The flowers are kinda lame... BTW, the original is here:
XD no problem. Sign up is a bit complicated, but once logged in, the actual site is really very simple. I just used babelfish a bit to find my...
E'mm ryja du lralg dras uid mydan. Dryhg oui! Ikr, ed'c kuhhy pa cu rynt du pacd ed *teac* E fyhhy tnyf pid hudrehk lusac lmuca. Oay, E ghuf dra vaamehk. :/ Cunno, E naymmo lyh'd drehg uv yhodrehk dryd syo ramb. Edit: ....There is a Sai in Naruto, isn't there? -__-; That anime and manga should just DIE.
Lovely, we can be worst enemies. . : D Now go eat someones head, and teach that stupid parrot how to say Neuro related stuffs.
E tuh'd pmysa oui vun dryd druikr. kuut du rayn, vun dra punatus...syopa fneda un tnyf? puugc yna ymfyoc kuut duu. E's tuehk ymnekrd, gehty punat socamv. Dnoehk du pacd so mycd yndfung ec nydran rynt, cbaleymmo frah E's cdemm cu vuht uv ed >_<
Yr, E caa. Famm hela du caa oui, ruf'c ed paah kuehk?
Yryry, hela uha Deii. Yryry reminds me of WRRRYYYYN >_>
Rammu Catch The Rain, cinbnecehk du caa oui rana, fryd'c ib?
It must seem like we're teaming up, doesn't it? It's not a test of any sort. Also, there are negative points to be given. Think of this as golf, you want the lowest score possible. But that's about all I can really say about this.
At least my random spam has more than 6 full words, and follow suit to the rest of what is happening.
Today was gonna be the day but they'll never throw it back to you. By now you should've somehow realized what your not to do. I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now I do read what I miss, people.
Ah! Catarella. I actually like that song. The second one is pure ROFL-ness XD Hey, do you have a Nico Nico Douga account? It has WAY more...
Higher~ I got my name change~ I like my English classes e_e Our teacher is funny when she comments about our reading. Crap, I'm gonna be late -__-;