As am I. What's up Higher?
Looks as if I'm a bit late, but goodnight everyone. Also, it's time for me to go as well. Night.
e_e I guess that's kinda lucky in a way.
Did I ever mention how if I get an art block, it's not just art, but like...every other creative part of my brain? Yea. e_e Even if I did get my homework it would just sit in front of me and I'd just put the mouse over it rather than do it.
Procrastination sucks...but I do it anyway.
/Art block I'm procrastinating. Art is harder than the homework though. I should at least be doing requests or that collab if I'm gonna draw... *fail*
I fixed it now. Anything else?
Kay ... What's my name?
>_> <_< *steals it*
I dunno, I'll fix it though.
Wtf? Mine used to say it
I read the rest of the posts...don't feel like replying, sorry.
Alright...where to start? I guess the three main focal points here are Deii, Burnitup, and myself. For some reason or another Burnitup seems to have always hated Deii. From where this started I can't exactly be sure. I assume there's a possibility it streches back to the first thread, at latest the third thread. Deii and myself... well some things are just hard NOT to get a little ticked at that burnitup says. And just well... It's hard to say why everything gets stirred up so fast, it's just so many 'little' things mixed together that just...treads heavily on nerves. I'm no good at explaining crap like this. I don't know why I try...
I don't like them either. It can't be helped though, opinions, ideas, everything else, it seems like such is impossible to stop from colliding and starting up the fires time and time again.
There always has been. Seems to be like there always will be for a long while into the future as well. Higher, I can try to explain the 'friendships' and such of this tread, since you haven't been here for a while, of the people that come often anyway. Give me a minute for it though.
OOC: I can TOTALLY see them doing that XD "To bad Keiichi, looks like you're really unlucky" Rena took a bite out of one of them. "I have sauce in mine" she said with a smile. She then looked over to Rika "Something wrong?" Rika looked over to Rena "Nope, nothing. Nippa~!" She then turned back to the riceballs and took a large bite out of one
Yea. Ugh...I should just take a picture of every freaking thing. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
It will take more than an argument to break this family.
He'll be back though. :/
British shows are good. >_< What is TTGL about anyway? e_e I started both the manga and the anime and never finished. NOW WE ARE BROTHER LADYS.