I ALWAYS say GIR's lines. (Invader Zim) I'll go around school and say "HI!" To everyone I know in a really high-piched voice that sounds almost exactly like GIR! xD And when I made waffles this morning I said, "Guess who made WAFFLES?"
You can try for anyone you like! xD Even if someone has already. You have a nice voice, Emo Pengwin. I'm going to try for Larxene, but it's going to have to wait a week or two for this horrible cough I have to go away. I want my voice back! *Sob* DX
I think, to make it fair for everyone, you should only be able to do 1 character. xD Boy is it going to be hard finding voices for Goofy and Donald!
XD Too cute! Too bad you don't have a scanner. =3
My favorites: My Chemical Romance Linkin Park Green Day I'm actually surprised no one has said Linkin Park yet, they seem so popular. Edit: Nope, Nevermind, someone DID say Linkin Park!
"OK, we better get going. It's a big town, " She looked up at the sky, "and it's starting to get late." Marina led Gregory around the crowd to a less-populated part of town. Here there were fewer shops, more homes, and less people running around to acomplish their arrands. she pointed at a small house. "This is Merlin's house. Or, what used to be Merlin's house. He left this morning... The restoration Committee used to hang around here a lot" she said. She walked over to an even less populated part of town, and said, "Here's the Bailey. From here you can see the castle and most of the town." Then she moved a few steps, but stopped suddenly. "Oh, I forgot. There are quite a few Heartless in this part of town, so be careful." Then she led him to a place that was really trashed. Really. There were peices of brick and stone everywhere, and what looked to be a broken staircase. Marina jumped down from where they were, reaching soild ground. A few seconds after she touched the ground, she froze. Heartless appeared, surronding them in large numbers. She drew her weapons, two long black rods with sharp, shiny (YAY, SHINY) blades on each end. The young girl then started slashing her weapons at the Heartless, Until she noticed Gregory not doing much. "Hey, you know how to fight?" She asked, and threw one of her weapons to extinguish the heartless around him. It came right back to her, and she caught it perfectly.
http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=signature2copygd5.png Tell me what you think about it! I tried harder this time.
In an attatchment. This forum supports .wav attatchments, so you can post it on here! =3 Thanks in advance to everyone who wants to help!
Well, it seems that this might be possible! YAY!!! OK, I know the INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of stickies there are in this board, but might this be able to be stickied? it will probably take a while... Anyway, if you want to be in it, post an attatchment sound file of you saying the character you want to be and a sample line. By sample line I mean something the character says in the game. And then My brother and I will rate the sound files, and tell who's who! If there is something wrong with ho I am doing things, let me know. I want everyone's opinion. If you honestly think this idea sucks, you can tell me! xD
So you guy's like the idea? YAY! I got my microphone from my old Hey You Pikachu game. xD It works on computers too! I think my brother would like to be the judge, but he doesn't go on these forums. *Pesters brother to sign up*
What if a lot of people on this website got together and decided to do a voiceover of Re:CoM? I think that would be pretty cool! We would need people to volenteer as the cast though, and people to judge the volenteer's voices. So, if you had a microphone, and think you'd do pretty good as a voice for one of the charatcers, you'd say a line from the game into your microphone that that character says in the game. Oh yeah, for windows users, to get to the voice recorder, it's: Start > all Programs > accesories > Entertainment > Sound recorder If you didn't know I want to know your opinions on this, though.
Kingdom Hearts Character Character Name: Sora (I thought it would be fun! xD) Computer Generated Name: KeyxLight.Sky (Sora translates to Sky, but people would just call him Sora.)(Sorry, those colors were fun!) Weapon: Keyblade if he can, otherwise sword. Occupation in 'The World' : Blademaster Occupation in Real Life (Keyblader, Orgy, etc) : Keyblade Master Real Life Weapon (Keyblade etc.) : Keyblade This should be fun! xD Can we do a prolouge - type thing saying how they(Kh characters) got the game? that sounds fun to write. =3
Wow. Axel's#1fangirl, YOU PWN. All of your fanfics. They pwn anything I could ever write!
"My name's Marina, Nice to meet you." She knew that she'd be pretty confused if someone she didn't know knew her name, so she explained, "My friend Namine said you wanted to be shown around town. She's pretty busy, so I came to help." OOC:I'm sorry my posts are so short. I don't know why they are.
"Thanks!" Marina said cheerfully as she took the ice cream from Namine's hand. "Sea Salt hot Tea? Okay... I don't think that would sell half as good." She giggled. " Hmm. I think I saw that kid you asked about over by the phone booth. Sure, I'd be glad to help. Well, see ya later!" Marina chirped, and went to look for this "Gregory". Luckily, she saw him right as he was leaving the phone. "Uh... are you Gregory?" She asked, although she was sure it was him. OOC: Were you talking about my sig, Namine? If so, thanks. =3 And, I'm going to post the link to the picture of Marina in a few minutes. You know, Rexyggor? That's what I love about Role Playing and story writing, too. The characters that you are in the story might be the exact opposite of what you are in real life. Like, Marina is based off of me, but I'm not nearly as nice as she is, though I act about the same around friends as she does.
"G..Gone? Hmm. I'll ask Leon and the others where he went for you. You look really busy" She took a small silver purse out of her pocket. "Hey, could I have a Sea Salt Ice cream?" she said, and placed some Munny on the counter.
"Hey Namine!" Marina said with a cheerful face that mached that sunny afternoon. "Uh... have you seen Merlin today? I can't find him anywhere. Actually, I've only seen Yuna, Rikku, and Paine. They were in the Bailey." She was hyper today, porbably because of the nice weather. She noticed the boy walking away from the Ice Cream Shop. "You've had a lot of costumers today, haven't you?" She noticed her slight rambling and got a bit embarassed. Marina quietly mumbled to herself and made a mental note not to ramble when she is hyper. (OOC: Marina knows Namine because she is also friends with the Restoration Committee)
Original Character Sheet Name: Marina (Mah-ree-nuh) Age:14 World originated from:A world in a different galaxy Fighting style/weapons:http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=marinasweaponto4.jpg Appearance:Here And Here Height: About 5'6 Hair:golden-brown hair that goes down to her waist, long bangs that are usually to the sides of her face Eyes:Turquoise Brief History: (Brief? Are you kidding?) Usually smiling, she tries to hide when she's angry, and she doesn't let a lot of stuff get to her. She came to Raidient Garden when Sora was still on his first journey. The heartless somehow got to her world, across the universe and out of the reach of GUMMI SHIPs. No one knows how she got to the other galaxy, but she ended up in Traverse Town, eager for adventure. It seemed to her new friends that she had been wanting something to happen, something to change, something to be different from the everyday life she had known for the past 13 years. She never would have expected it to happen how it did though, as the darkness ripped through her world, engufing it into the fizzling black smoke they called "The End of the World". It certainly was the end of hers. She wanted to travel the worlds with Sora, but arguing with Donald would be no use. When she learned that Cid made Gummi Ships, though, she saved up as much munny as she could, earning it by killing off Heartless for town residents, and selling the items she got from them. When she had gotten enough munny, Sora was already at Hollow Bastion. Still, she flew there with Leon and all the other friends she had made in that strange world. She stayed with them, in Hollow Bastion, for the rest of Sora's journey. She helped the Restorattion Commitee, even duing the Heartless invasion. Marina knew this was where she belonged. Marina is actually based off of me. Not so breif history is now finished. =D
XD, yes, her name is Gaz. Did you ever notice most of their names are 3 letters? Gaz, GIR, Dib, Zim, Tak. There's more, I just don't feel like thinking of them right now. EDIT: WHOOOAAA. Like, 10 people posted while I was typing! WOW, I must type REALLY SLOW!
Invader Zim is my favorite, but I can't stand any of their other shows exept for Avatar. Yes, I know I'm crazy, but I never really liked Nickelodeon.