OMG... That is disturbing. *backs away* I would bring Sora because he's fun and awesome. And he's used to being on and island. And he's built a raft. And he'd protect me if some creepy guy showed up and I didn't have a weapon. And--*shot* xD So, I'd bring Sora.
let's see how many I can think of: Xrybon Ryxbon Bonyxr (weird...) Xonyrb (that's fun to say xD) Bornyx Now, whoever guesses my real name gets... a cookie. C'mon, it can't be that hard.
"I Climb" - Thousand Foot Krutch From in the middle of the room she hears the conversation moving, further from where she's going without even knowing. Now the vibrations in the floor are getting closer to the door, and is this the way you let your problems drift away to? I climb so high, blows me away sometimes, see through my holes, into this place I call my own. This time I'll try, it's in the air tonight sleep tonight, no more cryin. Cause I've got you on my side. don't want you to be anything at all, I just want you to say you love me, I don't care, just stop living like this. I don't want to be anything at all, I just want you to see who I am, and stop the violence, no more silence. From the middle of the room she hears the conversation moving, further from where she's going without even knowing, Knowing Now the vibrations in the floor are getting closer to the door, and is this the way you let your problems drift away to? don't want you to be anything at all, I just want you to say you love me, I don't care, just stop living like this. I don't want to be anything at all, I just want you to see who I am and stop the violence no more silence. I'm gonna show ya I'm alive breathing clearly for the first time take my in your arms take me to the place where you are I needed time to clear my mind keeping balanced on this line was impossible before I met you. I climb so high, it blows me away sometimes, sleep tonight, no more cryin. Cause I've got you on my side. I don't want you to be anything at all, I just want you to say you love me, I don't care, just stop living like this. I don't want to be anything at all, I just want you to see who I am, and stop the violence, no more silence. I'll shout from the top of the rooftop singing, I'm not afraid of the bed I lay in. Listen to the sound of the voices ringing, I can't deny it, no more silence. We'll shout from the top of the rooftop singing, We're not afraid of the bed we lay in. Listen to the sound of the voices ringing I can't deny it no more silence.
xD I love the Superhero Riku one! The Namine doll is so cute! I want one! How do you get these? Straight out of the game?
17337 I think roxas has been in the sun too much! xD
My thoughts exactly! (no Axel quote really intended) The new chapter's still not up. D=
You're talking about Pizza because pizza is GOOD. Sorry for off-topic-ness! I can't wait to read more either! HURRY UP AND WRITE! xD just kidding.
15 girls and 15 boys! just like KHVR1! xD whatever. Thanks for getting me in there! And thank you very much for the list! I can't wait for the next chapters. Even if some of us don't get major roles, we still get roles, right? xD
Thanks! X3 I don't understand why that would be offensive! Chapter 2 is great, but as the story goes along, try to put some humor in. I know Labor camp isn't a very "humorous" place, but there are always those people who will joke around anywhere (Like me xD) Also, something weird, When I read , I checked at the bottom of the screen, and it read the same thing! Be careful what you type, people! THEY might be reading our every word...
Think I could get one? KH video:Here Scene:from 0:57 to 0:42 (I'm giving you the time because I'm not very good at explaining, but it's from where Larxene puts her fingers to Axel's lips and end's when she leaves) Size: Medium Text: None I noticed that a lot of them were really slow, Is there anyway to make it not so slow? If there is, could mine not be so slow? xD Thanks in advance!
No, you spellled it wrong. xD Oh well, I'm a pretty good speller and I hardly even know how to spell "Prologue". I spelled it right thst time, though! xD I got off topic! When will the next chapter be? I can't wait!
Cool so far, I'd be SO freaked out if that happened to me! I'd like to be in it! My name is Robyn, just so you know.
I don't think I will ever think of Sara the same way again... or any of the other members in this or KHVR1(Which I did read) for that matter! xD Wow, this is awesome! I can't wait for more chapters! I love how you fit KHIII: The Revival in as what Mark was reading. If I was in a game like that, I'd either die from trauma before it even began, or be brutally murdered, unless I had a really good weapon that I liked like the machine gun. O.o I shudder at the thought. One question: If this takes place in 1997-2002, how could be involved when Kingdom Hearts didn't even come out until 2002?
It's probably still going on, or at least I hope so
I agree. While we can't call ourselves professional (sorry for anyone who went to school about it or something and can), can truly anyone? Everyone's problem's are different, and everyone's feelings about their, or anyone elses' problems. Even with the anonymity, I still feel uncomfortable. But really, no one goes to this forum who knows me in real life, so I really have no reason to feel that way. That's just me. I hardly feel comfortable in any situation. And, yeah, I'm WAY more comfortable speaking with my friends about something than speaking with some random teacher-person that I barely know. I second that. LOL. "But if alcohol hurts them then why do they use it?" OMG. ala-TEEN? Sounds more like a question a kindergartener would ask. (Although I do wonder that myself sometimes, guess I won't know 'till I'm 21) Yeah. The people on the forums you go to can be more of a help, but also, they also can't really hurt you. If you want to ignore people onthe Internet, they can't really do much about it. (Unless they know your adress. Scary thought) :| I went to like this Bible-study thing for a few weeks (It was only once a week), and they would try to help us with problems, but they would also try to like, carve religion ino all our thoughts. It's like, how are we s'posed to get on with our lives if all we think about is God? I mean, it's hard enough for me to concentrate in school (ADD) without that on my mind. I said "we" and "our" and "us" because it was a bible study group. I believe that true friends get along most of the time, but still, everyone fights/argues. I had to let go of one of my friends, we never had fun anymore, and we always argued. And she was a KH fan, too! I trust my friends. I tell them everything. And I know I can trust them, because friends trust eachother. GO LINKIN PARK!!!! YaAaAaAaY!!!! As for my issues, they're really more personal. I don't get teased at school. Well, only by this one kid who everyone hates anyway. I'd bet he has less friends than I have. Not that I don't have many, it's just, why make fun of someone who doesn't even care? And even worse, get made fun of for it? I'm really more paranoid than anything. As I'm typing this, I'm thinking about what people might do about it. I mean, like, bad stuff. Using it to scare me. Stuff like that. DON'T TRY SCARING ME. I don't like it. It makes me not happy. lol
hm, okay, I'll work on the hair. I found a lack of KH smilies bad. D= So, maybe when I'm done, someone will find a use for them?
eh, I tried my best on the hair. Try making Sora's hair on an icon that isn't even 20 pixels in length, It's challenging. I'm actually quite proud of these. It's my first set of smilies that I made. In case your wondering, I used MS paint.
I got bored... And was inspired by a thread in the Suggestions forum. I'm not done. How are they so far? I need to remember more emoticons...
=) pretty good, but it seemed like you were skipping lines to make the story seem longer. Also, there were many spelling mistakes, and you only need one punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.
lol! I'f this is true, then who knows, Chocobos might be real for all we know! A work of pure fiction coming to life... Wow.