Wow. Amazing new chapters! How long are you going to keep posting new chapters up so quickly? Actually, I might get around to writing that story that's been waiting to be written down for so long. ...Tomorrow. *Trails off-topic* Somehow, this reminded me of it. >.> A quick question: Now that the Chasers' names have been confirmed, are you ever going to change them in the story, or are you just going to keep them the way they are?
It's not strapless XD. There are two white straps on her dress. Back on topic, I don't think I would buy these just because they have KH characters on the box. xD They're only there to advertise.
I'd be happy todo those for you ^^ Do PSP backgrounds have any certain format? I don't own one, but my brother does.
I'll get mine in a second, just need to upload it to ImageShack EDIT: Here it is:
Wha? OOOOkay.... Anywaiz. MORE CHAPTERS PLZ. THX!!!1!
Banned because I'm tired
Banned because I said so. >=P
Banned for killing demons
Banned for banning me because of my pokemon sig.
banned for having Sephiroth in your sig and avatar =P
Banned for having a Gaian avatar
ORLY? Prove it. How do we know it wasn't you dressed as Sora?
I chose Mine because I wanted it to have something to do with Final fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, and I think Carbuncle is cute. And it has a gem on its forehead. xD
xD That was pretty cool. Zidane + Coke = Pwnage. Wait... Final Fantasy + Coke = Pwnage!
=D Thanks! Maybe my lack of art and writing over the summer is why I'm always so bored... I'll probably start writing the story this weekend. I'm in a hyper mood right now, and although this is irrelavent, I couldn't help but giggle at the use of the name "Bob" xD It helps a lot! Thank you! That was something I was really trying to avoid. I almost intinctivly do that. Also, one more thing, What does emptive mean? xD
I've read a lot of fanfictions here and I want to write my own. I'm only 12, so mine might not be as good as some other awesomeness fanfics I've seen. I want your thoughts about my writing. If you think it absoloutely sucks, seriously, tell me! xD I want your true opinion. And so I'll give you a what might be a piece of the story. _________________ "Come here," said a black coated man. From the sound of his voice, the two young girls could tell he was Saix, but they didn't dare say that out loud. They instead stood silent and still, their faces showing signs of anger and fright. When the bars imprisoning them dissapeared, the younger-looking one stepped forward. "No," her sister said, plain and clear. "You would rather die?" asked Saix. "No! But I'm not going with you!" her left hand glowed with some kind of power, and a sword appeared in it. She lunged at Saix, slashing at him, but in a flash of grey and black spikes he had a weapon of his own. __________________ PLEASE, even if you truly think it totally sucks and I should get like ten times better before I even consider posting my story on here, then tell me what you think. (I haven't actually written the story yet lol)
Thanks. I've never really feared death, I guess I fear pain more. When I was like, 6-9, I used to share a room with my brother. We watched TV every night, even if I didn't want to.(He'd yell and hit me. lol) That was before I was always paranoid, so I'll try turning on the TV at night like I used to.
I could tell you guys that I have no friends, but I do. Good friends. I could also tell you that I'm so depressed and emo and I want to runaway, but I don't. My real problems are... I guess, different than a lot of other people's who have posted here. So here it goes. At night, I get so frantic and paranoid, Like someone's going to break into my room with a knife or a gun and try to kill me. And it seems like I have no reason to think like this, I just do. My room is upstairs,and you have to pass by my sisters room and a bathroom to get to it. And there's a bunch of junk in the hallway that leads to my room, so if anyone tried to get to my room, they'd have to step over a bunch of junk to get to it. I also sometimes feel that there's going to be a fire or a bomb's going to go off in my room. It's really weird what I will think up at night. And one night I stayed up very late because I was worried that tsomething bad was going to happen, and the next day a pipe in front of our house broke. It's common where I live because in the winter it gets so cold that the water in the pipes freezes and when water freezes it expands, breaking the pipes. But in the summer it gets around 120 degrees Faranheight(sp?). Getting back on topic, I really need help. I'm not sure what causes these strange thoughts, but I want it to stop...
I'm not sure about religion or science, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I prefer not to put a lot of thought into it. I'd honestly rather play KH2. Okay, I'm not sure if anyone's explained this yet, "If [blah blah] evolved from [so-and-so] than why isn't [so-and-so] still evolving?" Do some reasearch people! There's a whole Internet out there! c'mon! I'll use monkeys and humans as my example. I get this question all the time from my friend. Over a course of hundreds of THOUSANDS of years, monkeys slowly evolved into chimps, and the chimps evolved to humans. as in: Fluffy monkey with tail > slightly less furry monkey with tail> slightly less fluffy monkey with shorter tail > and so on and so forth. And they didn't just turn into diferent monkeys. The baby monkeys were the ones who were different, and then the it went like that for hundreds of thousands of years before humans actually existed. I'm not sure, but I think the reason why there are still monkeys and not all of them evolved is because maybe only some of the monkeys genes might have changed to allow them to be different. I haven't researched that yet. Sorry if it sounds like i'm explaining it to a little kid, I didn't mean for it to be like that.
I am sorry but I honestly do not know. I know saying "Oh my God" is using His name in vain, because I have a friend who is christian(sp?) and hates it when i say that. I think, if you're actually telling God to "Damn" something, it shouldn't be offensive, well, unless you were telling God to "damn" a person, then it would be ofensive to that person. Re:P.S. It doesn't offend me at all, I understand. =3