"Heh, Yeah. Don't underestimate them, though. You never know." Xin responded.
"Yeah. And don't get caught, of course. 'Cause then we'd have to go through all the trouble of rescuing you," She said with a chuckle.
Xinaram was getting impatient. "Gwyxn, Rei, I need you to make another trip for me. You know where we are, go and see if you can find out what they're doing. If you find anything, come back and tell me. And, just to be safe, come back within the next five minutes, even if you don't find anything."
OOC: Yeah, I saw it ^^. Did you draw it? The darkness concealed their presence. If Reixa went the way she did, she was sure to get caught! "Gwyxn, go get Rei. You know how not to get caught, don't, and bring Rei back here," She whispered. "I would go, but I have to se what Oganization XIII is up to,"
OOC: If I don't get all of the locations right, I'm sorry, I can't remember where everything is xD And, also, It's better to go spy in low numbers. Xadyn came because he needed to see what was going on. Gwyxn came because Xadyn offered, etc. Not everyone is coming xD Edit: Wow, that pic is perfect, exept for the hair. Where'd you find that? BIC Xin let out a small chuckle at the last comment. She silenly walked along the walls, peeking through a doorway to see if anyone was there. No one. She walked through, using the air to cushion her steps, and make them quieter. Other than that, she hardly looked like she was trying to stay quiet. She knew where to go, how to get to thier meeting room. She opened a corridor of darkness, leading to the meeting room, but didn't go all the way through. She didn't want them to know that they were there, and she didn't need to go all the way to hear what they were saying. She didn't even know if there was anyone in the room, to find out what she needed, she could wait a couple hours.
They passed through the darkness, and entered a large room with bright, white walls. A strange symbol was visible on a few of the walls. She whispered, "That's apparently a Nobody symbol. They use it to represent their group." They walked forward, and they saw a moon, but it was shaped like a heart. "That, is Kingdom Hearts. It is a collection of hearts that gather when one is released from a Heartless," She whispered. There was no one around that they could sense, but she could never be too careful. OOC: They are supposed to be where you fight Saix. Don't know what it's called xD
Xin showed a small grin. "Thanks," she said. "Hey, Xadyn, since we're all here, should we get going?" "Yeah, lets go. Xin, you know the castle best. Lead," he commanded. "Yeah, sure," She said. She raised her hand a bit, and a corridor of darkness apeared. She and Xadyn stepped through it, Patiently waiting for Gwyxn.
Xinaram let out a sigh. "Hey," she said.
OOC: Sure, there are numbers open. BIC: Xin still had that sad, worried lie on her face when she portalled to her room. She took off her coat and hung it up, before sitting on her bed, with her arms folded. before she realized, her clock already read 9:45. She sighed, she just wanted to get it over with. She portalled to the table they were sitting at before, and waited for the others. In 15 minutes, Xadyn was there, too, but nothing was said.
OOC: My mom just got home, Someone smashed two windows on my brother's car! Now if that Isn't the creepiest thing I've ever seen! There are like, a million cars on my street, and whoever this is chose my brother's. o.o BIC: "Hmmm," He thought for a moment. "Nope, that about covers it. But I'm sure you guys could use some time to prepare," He looked over at the clock, 9:15. "You have two hours. come here when you're ready," He said, then went to get ready himself. Xin, however, was all ready. She sat at the table with her arms folded, and closed her eyes. 'What could they be planning?' she thought. 'What if they expect us? I just can't get it off of my mind...' She opened her eyes, a worried look on her face, although she was just hiding the non-existence of her emotions...
OOC: Something strange happened this morning. o.o I woke up, lokked at my clock, and it said 6:00. I stayed in bed for a while, though, until I heard my mom's radio play Bleed it Out by Linkin Park, one of my favorite songs. Isn't it odd, that my mom's radio suddenly turned itself on, and started playing my favorite song? IC: "Yeah, I think we should be really careful about today's mission. Don't make a sound, and don't let them see you! We don't know what their planning," She responded. "But," Xadyn stated, "That's what we're going to find out. This will be fun," Changing the subject, he said, "We need to start in a small area. Then we'll move around, possibly getting to biggre areas as we go. Stay away from doorways, unless your going through them of course. And, most importantly, if you get seen, get out of there! I don't care where you go, as long as its away from there, and we can contact you," Xadyn explained."Good idea." Xin said. "But I doubt we'll be seen," She turned and looked at the clock. 8:45. "The best idea, would be for you to come here if you get seen. Wait for us, and if we all get seen, we'll try again in a few hours." He continiued. He had to admit, he was nervous. He sighed, "Are either of you nervous? I am..." "Yeah. But I can't wait, at the same time!" Xin giggled.
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* Was the sound of Xin's alarm as it sounded, telling that it was eight A.M. She slid out of bed and got dressed, walking down the hall to see if her "dear leader" was awake. He was, so she climbed down a few flights of stairs to get to the dining room, where many members usually were in the morning. He was there, ut number VI was, too. "Hi Xadyn, Hey Gwyxn." Xin greeted. "Good morning, Xin. Are you ready?" Xadyn responded. "Yeah, just about. But something's been bothering me... I keep having this feeling that something's wrong; it kept me up last night," Xin continued. She had a worried tone of voice."We had better be extra careful. Did you get any sleep?" he asked. "Uh, yeah." Xin responded. "Good. As soon as you're ready, Gwyxn, we'll leave," "But, wait. I thought we were leaving around 10:30? It's only about 8:10!" Xinaram exclaimed."Hmmm... Well, I guess I could use some time to think of a plan," Number I stated. "Or four," Xin giggled. OOC: Sorry if you dont like how I moved your character, Twilight_Wish. xD
OOC:Nope, no Vexen. If there's a member of Organization XIII that isn't taken yet, just RP him when needed. FinalForm, I'm Second in command. I put you at number twelve because we needed a number twelve at the time, but if ya want, I can move ya to number Seven. Xadyn smiled. "Thank you. I hope your looking forward to it." ~A couple of hours later~ Number VIII's eyes blinked open. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong! She needed to get some sleep for her mission tomorrow, but she just couldn't! Nothing she did would chase off that feeling. She turned and lookd at her clock. 3:00 AM. Everyone would be asleep by now. She would have to warn them in the morning... She set her alarm for 8:00 AM, and turned around. She was almost wide awake, but tired at the same time. Xinaram closed her eyes, and thought about how, her missions had never failed before, and her Useful ability would get her out of any bad situation. These positive thoughts helped her finally drift back to sleep.
"Hmmm.." Xadyn thought for a second. Let's leave around...10:30. They will be awake by then. Be careful tomorrow, We can't let them know we're there. If they notice us, we're dead. Don't let that happen, understand?" Xin was stirring in her sleep. Something was bothering her... OOC: I have to take a shower. I'll try to make it quick.
Laying on her bed, Xinaram thought about what Organization XIII. She remembered a blonde girl, who's name was Larxene. 'She said... That they should just kill us....' She thought. 'We'd better be extra careful tomorrow...' was her last thought before she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
OOC:You're doing a really good job. How am I doing with two characters? I've never really used two different characters before xD
OOC: Sure, you can be Saix. IC: Xadyn walked two doors down the hall, to one that read "VI". He lightly knocked on it. "Number VI, are you awake?" he said softly. When he got a response, (OOC: Obviously she's awake based on your last post, It's s'posed to be late at night.) he said, "Hey, Xin and I are going to spy on Organization XIII tomorrow, she has told me that theere are some interesting things there. Would you like to come?"
=D Sure. I'll start! _________ Xinaram sat on the top of a tower, facing the southwest. She looked up at the moon, thinking about her past, her day, her job as a member of this Organization. Her blue hair flowed in the wind, and blended with the starless sky. That was what she missed most. Ever since she came to this castle, she hadn't seen a single star in the sky. It reminded her, the happiness doesn't exist anymore. The emotions she once had, dissapeared, into the darkness of Kingdom Hearts. It wasn't so bad at first, but she was getting to miss her heart more and more every day. She shook away her thoughts, and jumped down from the roof. The girl strode through the doors leading inside the large castle, and made her way through the halls, to get to her room. A boy stopped her in the hall. "Hey," he said, "Tomorrow, I need you to spy on Organization XIII again," "Why?" Xinaram responded "Find out what their trying to accomplish. Have you seen anything strange there?" "You should see for yourself, oh dear leader." She giggled. "That sounds like a good idea, Xin. We'll leave tomorrow morning, make sure your up," "Oh, I'll be ready. This'll be fun... See you!" Xin walked the rest of the way to her room. Xadyn was left alone. "This will be fun..."
Sorry I'm so late posting, but KH-Vids.net wasn't letting me on this morning. Actually, I think I'm just going to stick with the character I made. But if anyone wants a second character, be my guest. FinalForm, can you be a different number? This new character you created is better, but we already have a leader X3. Edit: Yeah, we can start now, we have a leader. Can someone take Xemnas and Demyx?
Okay! I suck at makeing guy characters, though o.o. *Listens to music* __________ Name: Xadyn Age: 19 Appearence: Grey eyes, Hair: Short, light blue hair. Skin color: White, but with a dark tan. Clothes: Again, why did I put this here? Black Organization coat. Number: I (Temporary! I might make him a different number when we find a leader. Or, maybe he could stay leader?) Element/Ability/Power/Whatever you want to call it/: When he builds enough power, he can actually force people to do things against thier will. If he beats people down enough, emotionally, mentally, or physically, its easier, and he doesn't have to build as much power.(Is this good enough? I'm trying to be creative ><.) Weapon: A sword that has many attachments and can be used as many different weapons. Title: The Adroit Master (Another big word to decipher! Yay! Adroit means Skillful, quick, etc. xD) Tough, confident, and easygoing, he is a great leader to some, a terrible leader to others. He is very strategetic, and usually comes up with two or even three plans before they are put into action. There is a rumour that he and Xin were siblings before they were Nobodies, but there is no proof. _________ So, how did I do? xD I got all of this off of the top of my head, At least Xinaram is based off of a different character ><.