can i have larxene please
ollete please
bored?why i outta no i will outta othing gets boring here now feel the wrath of me*jumps at him misses hits a wall bounces off tyhe wall and hit CS*5points weeee
hello family i'm back what did i miss
ok master ansem see ya later now my room is the 4th one ok*he walks over to the 4th room and walks inside*hmm not to shabby its a bit bare somethins missi... wait no tv*looks around no video games nooooooo oh right there are the video games*sets up the games console and starts playing video games*
i take yumi
heyi'm back what did i miss?
oh all right i didn't want to say this i have a cure sort of if it works then we can be human again but for 24 hours only and for one person here saix you can have it*gives a bottle to saix
my very hollow head hurts i supose i was headbutting the walll to much earliar iminit
Hi my name is even so i suppose your here because of ansem as well what do you think this experiment is all about?
you can hide but you can't run*puts demyx in a gigantic frying pan so he can't escape and turns the oven on full blast*now by the time 10 minutes has passed he won't be able to stay in his shell any longer and will be cooking now lets see mixed vegetables*puts mixed vegetales in with demyx*and in a sec that soup sauce stuff will be ready as well
ooc: it doesn't really matter but oh well how about 11th grade all i the same grade? yes you can be saix bic:i beleive our firs lesson starts in an hour *suddenly a fridge catches her eye she walks over to it opens it and sees chocolate*yes i will survive weeeeeeeee
i agree *starts smashing head on keyboard (jk that was just random)*
look Roxllen not many people like random jibbersish random is fine not jibberish got it memorized
what i searched google and it was on the first page i think you spelt nobodys wrong or something OH AND I GOTTA GO NOW M FAMILY I MISS YOU ALL ALREADY
have you ever tried google images?they have almost every picture you can thin of AlMOST how about the ultimate dragon or something like that maybe and i gotta go bye bye i miss you already my family
beserker nobodies i'll try and find one now for you ah here you go
oh ok tell her i said good luck with the final thingy that she is studing for
ok the joke i have two i'll just tell the one about god first right there was a vicar and a nun and they decided to go and play golf the vicar missed the whole and said "oh s*** i missed" so the nun says "if you keep saying that god will fry you and that happened about 18 time then there was a rumbling then a bolt of lightning hit the nun and a voice from heaven says "oh s*** i missed" lol here is the next joke there was a german shepard who lived next door to us and he would come into our garden and do his buisness and somtimes he would bring his dog do you get it?
hey while we are on the subject of jesus and god who wants to hear a joke