larxene please oh and if its a boarding school don't you need teachers?not that i want to be a teacher i'm just saying
can i be larxene job:vice priciple and supply teacher
i'm bored so i am making this rp to try to releive my bordom so the story is jeremy is in the lab and aelita just deactivated a tower but but everything has gone opposite XANA and his monsters are the good guys while aelita is a bad guy and jeremy odd ulrich and yumi are supposed to be evil but they are still good which XANA doesn't know rules: no godmodding no power playing use *'s to swear eg: f**** characters: yumi: odd: ulrich: jeremy: aelita: XANA: you can also be one of XANAs monsters if you want
User: naminestwinsister Name: reena Gender: female Side: twilights Weapon: the weapon is a laser arrow shooter that attaches onto the hand Abilities: can fly and runs fast Appearance: has blue hair and wears a pink shirt and yellow trousers Minion: its name is otacu he has firy red hair with an orange shirt and blue jeans and his weapon he has a bow and arrow (for some reason i am obsessed with arrows today)otacu is a cat like creature that acts like a cat has fur and a tale but wears clothes and he can stand on his hind legs with no trouble Info: she is a bit stupid but quite aggressive she is a infamous arrow shooter and very rarely misses her targets there are odds of her missing targets of around 100 to 10
ooc:sure its fine but i'm not gonna put it on the list i wasn't going to allow oc's but i made 1 exception so yup what ever you want just as long as you don't have anything stupid like you can't get hurt or anything like that
ooc:why?i mean somebody could take over his character and pm him to tell him whats what
Name:yumi Age:16 Apperance:blue hair and a pink dress Gender:female Items:none Weapons: keyblade and kunai Other:none
ooc:yup so why isn't anyone really posting anymore?
ooc:somebody took xemnas but you can have a fan character
ok you are in
more toilets when you were the one who calculated about 10 years ago that we had 5000'0000 toilets this is just the prisoner section
hey i'll take him master ansem you need rest*carries the boy to the spare room*
ooc:ok right so your saying that in 1 day there hasn't really beenanything much happening ok bic:*walks over to aelita so lets go to see your father
*what did i miss today?
you did that yourself?whoa nice effect its kind of cool i have but one problem with it its to good my drawings are only doodles i make with dots
sorry i don't know what hes got against people he like me saix and demyx he hates roxas
ok now i can let you in i changed my mind you can start i'm bored
be very carefull this has boneheadedness in here roxas made these traps*she walks and destroys a low level nobody then a low level heartless then ollette suddenly appears and i beat her* see not even a crummy door but there is a toilet
sorry overload you gotta give a rule
*suddely she wakes up hearing barking it was her dog sparky barking at xigbar*sparky shut it*sparky disobeyed and started to chew xigbars cloak*hey xigbar