whats wrong with the british I'Mbritish
Axel - a member of organization XIII
twilight town - where hayner pence and ollette live
19881 this is gonna be fun
you are totally right if you only have bad things to say keep them locked away and throw away the key (unless it really is something that needs to be said like you know when your hair is totally messed up or something you don't just say wow your hair rules you tell them it sucks so they can change it)
can i be larxene
emotions are needed in the world without them we are stupid no one would ever have bothered with police and hospitals no one would have bothered making houses
if it were my last day in life i would be glad but if i could change one thing it would be that i have a real freind rather than people who like me just so they can get me into fights and get obliterated
can i have larxene please
ok thats fine with me you have got to much on your hands
"i think that you have a real good weapon so i say come on XANA bring it on give us more monsters"
wow thats great aelita now you can fight monsters aswell *yumi glances over her shoulder and sees two bloks coming towards us*hey aelita this gives you a chance to test your weapon
*he then runs back downstairs and helps ansem up to the guest room*so master ansem do you know his name?
ooc:well lets just say i have my way of dealing with the mods bic:wow aelita how did you do that?
oh ok but its ok i'll get away with a warning this is the first strike and i know loads of people who have gotten away with it
nah technicly i'm not advertizing i'm ust giving an opinion so check it out ok it rules(even though its dead at the moment)and on it my user name is me
ooc:hey i know a website with a couple of rps on code lyoko on also some naruto an other stuff its a pretty cool site but nobody has really joined it its called http://narutolyokoforum.editboard.com check it out
*she walked down the twilit street with her minion at her side but decided she would wait for five minutes because she thought she heard footsteps
rules: 1:tr to act like the character from the emperors new groove 2:no god modding 3:no swearing if you really have to use *'s 4:have fun or die(just kidding) 5:follow the story line of the emperors new groove 6:know the names of the people in the emperors new groove it helps to know who you are 7:character don't have to be same gender characters: sora as: riku as: kairi as: xaldin as: larxene as kuzco:namines twin sister lexaeus as: roxas as: marluxia as: axel as: zexion as: saix as: demyx as: xemnas as: xigbar as: the kh characters roles(the people the characters are): yzma: kronk: pacha: chicha: tipo: chaka: sothis is like kh doing this movie themselves there are only so many parts to play so you need to hurry me no likey slow people
yeah can we start yet?