food you know demyx you might be right i'm thinking about a nice demyx style turtle soup*grabs demyx by one of his feet*now where is that cook book
hey whats up you can either call me ashley or twinsis i don't mind what do you wanna be call mm or matt or what i have one final question do you want a cookie?
the evil badgers of doom?where do they come from?
well ansem why did you ask sto come here what is this experiiment answer my questions
coooool a talking walrus
a new member?cool come on out and say hi already introduce yourself
ok ansemnow what is this this experiment all about and why did you choose us for the experiment?
ok who wants to give out more made up words me first iminit that means i like cookies
hi i have been to disney before it is funwhat i liked best well lets just say they have gigantic cookies
ooc:me a guy no way i was just bored so i just click everything i see so i am not a guy i am a girl got it memorized? bic:(no i'm not through the door just yet) i'm fine sooo this is the beach hut*peers inside*it looks kinda cosy can uh i come in?
so let me get this straight you want to eat me for taking saix turtle soup well let me just say something that could make us both happy and that maybe ripping your talons off bird brain
do not mention database errors to me ever that day oooh i swear i will kill the person who invented database errors
*ducks so reap hits the wall behind her*sorry we have to share
can i have chikorita please chikorita is like the cutest pokemon ever
good to meet you to i just have one question WHO WANTS COOKIES?!*gets out a big plate full of cookies