So now what do we do, guys? There's nothing to do 'cause Marly isn't attacking anymore.
Bye byez, khchick! Talk to you later!
Yayness!! Man, that would be awesome to go to Japan. We did an assimilation with Japan a couple weeks ago, it was fun! We were Nagasaki!
Not true!! I care!
Bye byez, SoraFan! *looks at Tidus* Sorry. It was an urgent moment... :(
-HisNobody- I think. But what surprised me was that he didn't come to kill me. Straaange.
Wahaha! Zexy is jealousss!! XDDD
You'll be all right, AnimeGirl! Just don't worry about it so much. (Ulcers hurt baaaad, trust meh.) -khchick & Zexion- I won't let you die!
I'm back, thanks for looking out for him! No, not funneh, Tidus! Not at all! *runs* Demyx!! Save meh! *bombs Marly*
Yep, pretty much. Jeez! Why won't you die?! You're like Demyx when Destinee was playing her game! (She's still on that part.) But I gotta go eat, so will someone watch him again, please? Thanks!
NOO! LEAVE ZEXY ALOOOOONE! *shoots Marly with shoe gun and flamethrower* Oh, thank you for watching him! Now give her sitar lessons! >.> Okay, I'll teach you.
*hits Marluxia over the head with penguin shoe* Ebil! Nu! I'll be back in a minute! Someone watch Demyx, please!
Nuu, dun go to Zexy's emu corner! Pwease? I thought he was <.< -AnimeGirl- Oh my gosh!
Sure thing! Trying to make people feel better is meh jobbeh!
Ooooh... *pokehs Zexion* Ish someone a bit... jealous, perhaps?
*falls out of chair laughing* Over nine THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!! Awe, poor Tidus! *huggles* It's okay. But now you just proved it true. Thanks, Demyx. I'm trying to make him feel better, here! >.<
Niiiice XD Feh, I'm not gonna eat you, Zexion. Chillax, man. >.>
Ebil school... ...Whatever you think, Tidus, whatever you think.. I wouldn't say "sexy", though... How's about.. Adorable?
Schweeeet. -Forsaken_Sora- That's good. *le gaspehz* Tidus, don't look behind you! Just run! Y'know Zexy, I'd laugh if something was about to eat yo- No, I wouldn't 'cause then I wouldn't be able to steal your hair!
I like any class but science and math. Band, typing and art class are my favorites.