Umm... Not that anyone cares, but I'll be back later!
I want a necklace! I'm gonna get one off eBay.
Isn't that the Sephiroth song from the main menu place on the DVD? Run, run awayyyy~! Sissy >.>
Hmmm... Dun worry, Tidus, Demyx doesn't wanna go either! You're so mean to me! TT^TT
Yaya! Off to the scary gazebo with angry eyes!! -Sorafan- I'm good, thanks!
-HisNobody- Weeeeird. Hey, Sorafan! A cosplay festival is basically like an RPG in real life.
Yeah, I think it's all right, Namine`! Oh my- Why is it always me?!?!?! Everyone loves you. And Zexion, I meant at a cosplay festival, man.
No, I just have to pretend I do because of meh nephews and niece >.<''' Did that video insult my voice?! Oh, no, now his voice is gonna go all high-pitched and... Yes! It was! -Aerith- Man, I agree! I wanna be Zexy! You wouldn't be me?! No.. It's the hai- No, I wouldn't.
I got some mangas a few days ago. It made meh so happeh! And the tooth fairy (dun ask) still owes meh munny! Bye, twilit_shadow, bye Axwel! ^^
Hey, KairiXRiku! How have you been?
Sorry, watching videos >.< I'm good, and how about yourself? I like that video, too!
Hey, HisNobody! That video... is just a bit strange... >.>
w00t3h! They all left! They couldn't stand all the mad skillz displayed. Hey, Sora! How are you?
Wahahaha, one left! You did it, Demyx! (Probably not <,<) I want Vincent's gun! *steals... errr... "borrows" it) He'll never know ^.^ *deads all the guests* Nice!
Thank you, Aerith! ^^ Oh em Gee, is there seriously?!?! ... Nyah!!! It's my worst nightmare come trueeeee~! *hides behind Demyx* Do your water magic tricky thingy! Ohh, just say the words!! Dance, water, dance? Yeaha! I think another one came, too >.> BTW, welcome back, khchick! And hi, AnimeGirl!
Niiiiice. But I didn't go to the Embassy with my class (Thank God). I went with a program. *pokehs Axel* You're fine. And uh... I've got a double moosekrateh, I dunno about you guys. *hides*
Man, I wanna see 'Phantom of the Opera' soooo badly. It'd be interesting! Hah, over Spring Break, there were about 50 of us in the Saudi Arabian Embassy. It was.. whoa. See, Demy? She doesn't wanna kill you! ^^ Um... *pats Axel's arm* Just comfort him. He'll be good!
Stop the violence!! *cries* Demy... You're a girl. Dun stoppeh the violence! But what if she attacks me? Theeeen, that's when it's gotta stop. -Aerith- Oyyy, I hate when that happens. I've been through that before, trust me. It makes you wanna shoot yourself then and there.
Bye byez, khchick!! *waves* And you know what I just noticed? My 'New Posts' button ish backeh!! *o*
Yesh! 'Cause feeling bad ish nevah fun! By the way... How is Zexion and that smexy head of hair he has? ^//^