Hey, guys! Are you people all right?
Hey, Chuck Norris I'm glad you beat those plastic ties, DP!
Hey, mom! Of course I meeseded you! Uber uber lots!
Hey, DP!! How've you been?
Awez, I'm sowwy! I hate when that happens :( I hope they get better. Do you want me to pray for them? I can if you want me to! I'm okay. No, not lately. I've been teaching Macie to play sitar, and I haven't had a moment's peace. That's really good, Sora! You guys pwn at that stuff.
Hey! *huggles* I've been better, but I'm still kicking! And you? *le gaspehz* DEMY!! What?
Hey, guys, what are we up to?
Yay Friday! School was murder. ...And I got into a fight <.<
Hi, guys! I just got home from teh orthodontist. Now I gotta go call Jazz. >.>
Good morning to you all I have such a bad headache >.<
So, what's up, guys? And of course you can, TheOtherKeyblade!
*pokehs Ian* Maaan, I care! Wakey wakey!
Bye byez, Namine`! -Sorafan- Nahh, I'm good, thanks, though. I don't wanna risk two stoic people wanting to keel meh. Poor Ian. *pats head*
Nyahhh I would, but I dun have a Buster Sword. Sowwy!
Ummm... What are we doing exactly? I'm an idiot, sorry. Not paying attention.
Bye, mom! Uhmm... Well... One came back... *shoves Demyx in closet* You never do anything anyway. *shoots at ebil stalker guest*
IAN!! *smacks head lightly* NO!! :o Sh-shut up about that!
Nah, go ahead, it isn't him. *shoots with Vincent's "borrowed" gun* Vinnie doesn't need to know ^^
Hi hi! I'm good, and yourself? GAH! WAIT!! I think that guest is a friend of mine. Please dun kill heem!
Okay... So, what did I miss guys? A lot?