That's what I've got to do. But before my dad gets home. Thanks for reminding me! ^,^
I've got 9:10. Is that what you have?
Hey, rachel! Welcome back ^^
Oh, okay, bye, rachel!
I'm sorry, both of you! I know I'd be petrified if Mr. Fishy died. (He's not a fish, but he's the merboy that lives in my head and never leaves me alone. He's in the fish genre, though >.>) And I'll pray my hardest for your friend, khchick! That still stinks he has to transfer schools. :(
*huggles Tidus* You're alive! YAY!! HisNobody's protecshun is aliveee~!
Mmkay! Poor Zexion who is not emu. *pats head that has the prettiest hair on the earth but still resists stealing it* *pokehs Tidus* Wakey wakey uppeh! She's containing herself, don't worry, Zexion.
-khchick- Sweeet! Oh, dun worry, mine's vampirevalentine . XD ******ed, I know. -DP- I can't even find your thread. Wow, idiot alert!
Schweet! I'm still on the tutorial thingie >.> -khchick- Yep, PM!! -Tidus- O.o Awkward...
...She's right, Tidus. But Batman is cool! Mmkaay! Yay!
Ooh! Macie wants to paint! 'Cause I just joined Gaia. Talk about noob. >.>
I feel like a ****** now. Yeah, it's 8:24 right now over here.
...Right... -.- Anyway... Hey, Namine!
OwO That bald man is freakaaaaaay! Poor Tidus. *pats head*
Maaaan... I kinda figured Marly would act that way. I was gonna say something, but decided against it.
Thank God! I shudder thinking about it. You don't even wanna see the stuff I found for it X.X Peanut butter jelly time!
I hope he gets well soon, khchick! I'm here. Oh, noez... This isn't the start of Zemyx is it?! *o*
-Mommee!!- Yeah, did you ever hear that one? I just about die every time XD -khchick- I'm good, and yourself? Hi, Zexy! *pets hair* I'm not gonna steal it, I promise.
That's good! Oh, thanks! (I kinds just changed it though >.>;) Speaking of Vampire Valentine, I'm trying to find some Vincent stuff on the internet that is good quality, yet under 10 dollars <.> Man, we're all just getting hurteded huh? I ran into a brick wall. *shows back of left hand*
I'm good, and yourself? Well, I was just making sure. :) Nice. Physically! Yesh, I saw it, mom! It made me smile, like dis :D Hey, khchick!