Nuuu! Not Tidus!
-Ian- OwO ...What?! @.@
Yay, a FlowerBoy rampage!
But then it's not so fun where Marly is concerned. >>
Yeah, but sometimes it's kind of fun.
Noez!!! Blech!! I feel disgusting now just thinking about it. Not that I have anything against people who do like it, it's just not for meh. >.> NU!! NO ZEMYX!! Hallelujah!
Hey, Ian. I'm good, and you? *hugs* Hi, dad! Again! I'll support anything, really. (Just not yaoi or yuri DX) HisNobody! *huggles*
My sister is so annoying >.> Sometimes I just wanna *strangling sign* Yeah, Destinee is very annoying.
-Dad- That's good. You... kinda just did, Marluxia. -AnimeGirl- Awe, so sad!
Good morning, AJ the Keyblader, how are you today?
Hi, dad! I'm good, and yourself? Hey, AnimeGirl! How are you this morning? I don't like being ignored.
I ish so sleepay! *yawns* Good morning. New member? Yay! Hi, I'm Macie, the Insane Child of our clan. "Welcome to our happy flock."
Welp, I'm gonna go ahead and get off here. Talk to you all tomorrow! *huggles all and disappears with Demyx*
Bye byez, HisNobody! Sleep well whenever you head that way!
I'm okay, thanks! And... why were you all beating up on Tidus? *throws Demyx in magical closet that pops out of nowhere* Yay, Vinnie's gun!
Hey Ian, Sorafan! How are you guys? And are you all right, Ian?
Welcome back, HisNobody! Gah, these Gaia towns are totally kicking my butt.
I don't get the whole Gaia dealio. I'm not quite sure on what to do. ^.^;; (Yep, it's obvious I'm a noob)
Muskrat hunting, heck yes!! *"borrows" Vincent's gun* *tackleglomps HisNobody* Dun feel rejected! Hey there, Aerith! Even I know better than to call Zexion emo.
I think it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Heck if I know.