*protects Tidus* But I can't kill Chibi! It's against her principles. THUS, why he won't hurt you now! -HisNobody- Schweet! ^^
Yayness, thank you so much! *eats pocky, then gives some to Demyx* Eat it or fear the wrath of teh Spork of Rainbows! (Dude, I found it on e-Bay!) Mannn, I miss tetherball so much!
Ooh! Pocky! So are you feeling better now, Princess Kairi San?
Yeah! I mean, we all almost went emo when you left.... I dunno if Jr. won. We're still in the race here. NASCAR is all right I guess, but I don't really pay attention. (Now she's laughing maniacally because he almost wrecked again X.x) I prefer tennis myself.
No, Jade didn't disappear, she just doesn't get on as often. I didn't do anyt'ing! Tony Stewart wrecked and now she's all p.o.'d. She's ranting and raving about how it's all his girlfriend's fault. Angry mommy = not happy Macie. DX And who said they didn't care about Ian?
-DP- No, of course not! Somebody help meh! ...My mommy is upsetted.
*uber le gaspeh* GUYS! We promised mom no more emuness! Remember?!
I'll pray for people! I enjoy praying, it makes me feel better. O.o HEDWIG!! I'm aliiiive! You can keep your Spork of Rainbows, the colors.. threw me offguard is all. She doesn't like bright colors. ^^ *smacks head with baby sitar* Shusheh!
AUGH! Not teh Spork of Rainbow!! *dies like Tidus* *pokes Macie* *whines* Maaaan!
Hi, kglory! I was wondering if you were talking about that same Chibi... *laughs at Tidus* Girly-man! *pokehs Tidus* Wake up! @.@ *gets out metal sporkeh of doom*
*ish poked* Pokeh War time!! No, my mommy said I can't do that no more. (Especially after the incident in that restaurant <.<) Dang.
*pokehs everyone* O.O Sorry, random outburst, can't control them!! *stabs outbursts*
I have tests tomorrow to make up... Craaaap. Oh, well, I'll study later. *coughprocrastinator* >.< Stoppit! And I like that drawing of yours, eastercat!
Hi, khchick!! -DP- I do that all the time, no worries! *coughprocrastinatorcough* Hush, Demy! >.>
-PKS- Awesome video! ^.^ Hi, eastercat! -Tidus- I dun eat chicken!! Besides, I would never eat Tidus! *pats head* ^,^
Hello! *huggles all* I'm all right, how are the rest of us doing? *pokehs Tidus* You biteded meh, you meanie-head! T.T -DP- Awez, I sowwies! And thank you! ^^ Yours is cooleh!
I'm backeh as well! -_-''' I swear, I can never get on here for 5 minutes.
-KairiXRiku- I'm good, and yourself? That's all right, thank you, though! -khchick- *le gaspeh* Will Zexion tell Teh Macie? She misses him dearly!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, guys! I was alone for a while. :( Demyx wasn't there for me to annoy!!
*gigglefits* I'm sowwy, Tidus! -HisNobody- Dude, awesomeness Namine`!! Shoot, I'll be back latah, guys!