I'm on break, but trying to get stuff done. The semester I just finished was a killer. Now, I'm trying to catch up on drawing and video games...
Yeah, I know, right? I haven't seen you on the site since.......crap, I think I need ginkoboloba, or something. How've you been?
O_O....who are you?
Hey, I'm just asking. I've never smelled cider before. Oh...I see...
*glomps family and sticks to them* :3
I mean, I've seen this little slot compartment that a PSP can fit in, and I've seen various high quality clips of cutscenes/gameplay uploaded, but I haven't found anything in the instruction manual as to how to play the games. Is it possible, or am I just displaying how braindead I am?
How does cider help any? Does it fry your nostrils or something? ...do you know when you'll be back on regularly?
I'm sure you'd need an AR for that. ...in all honesty, idk.
*whistles* Gotta admit, girl, that's pretty good. I'm working on a few things, meself.
Correction: You can. I can't. Sadly, I've seen stranger things.
...nope, definitely can't drive that.
._. ....I don't think I can drive one of those. X_X
It's putrid! My dad drinks it every day, and I about gag every time I get a whiff of it!
Blech. I can't see how anyone can tolerate coffee: I can't stand the smell of it. :xp:
Yeah? What model?
Meh, gimme an automail arm, leg, and a transformer: I'll break their feet down and run their butts over.
Yeah, I know. Rather sad, actually.
I need to get a job so I can get a new car; my suburban's falling apart.
:sly: That's because you've never been in my neighborhood. We're farm country, which means cows, which means lots of milk, which means lots of...