*bows, worships, chants* We are not worthy...
I have a theory about this show. This show is trying to restore balance to the universe. Think about this a second: Almost every 'live' show out there involves sex, cheating, and/or adultary in some form or another. This show shows just about every person on the show pregnant, about to be pregnant, or just now embracing motherhood through labor. Basically: Everytime someone, in whatever show, has sex, somebody on Secret Life gets pregnant as a result. All we need now is for every male on the show to get pregnant, and everything evens out.
Xulvip, the new member of the Organization.
Cool. Most 'Asian' thing I've ever gotten was a rather distinctive plastic chopstick. Are you Asian?
Pork, check. xD So, where do you live, that you have access to a Chinese bakery? (state, that is)
Idk...what kind of meat? XD
I wanna talk more about meat buns! >:(
So sue me, there's not much cider to be had in the midwest, as far as I've seen.
Good luck with that, soldier.
For those of you who don't believe me:
Well, it's not getting any better, that's for sure.
Let me clarify: As of right now, like it was mentioned, Power Rangers RPM was the final. What ABC just did, however, was bring back the first Power Rangers, the one's that most of us grew up to love, the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, back into action. Here are the pros and cons: Pros: Digitally remastered. Improved special effects (sped up moments not as choppy anymore, etc.) Get to hear the original theme/same actors again. Cons: 'Pow' and 'Kick' bubbles added comic book outlines added comic sound effects and bad special effects completely remade the opening sequence zord summons now have comic book labels (Red Ranger Tyranosaurus, Black Ranger Mastodon, etc.) Search for the new intro on Youtube if you have time, and you'll see what I mean. They aired the first two episodes earlier today at Power Rangers RPM's original time (10/10:30 am Central).
*slams head repeatedly against wall* Thank you, ABC and Disney! Thank you so bloody much for ruining one of the few happy times of my childhood! I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOURSELVES!!! *dies*
Tiger eats sheep. End game.
I have a question: How do you use iscribble effectively? Every time I try to use it, it treats me badly.
Should've seen my initial reaction. X_X
I think I've seen those on various anime. The most 'sweet' I've ever seen is their onion candy...so gross. Blech.
My short attention span is now evident. What do they make at those bakeries? I'd guess muffins, but somehow, I doubt it.
What're you complaining about? It's my thread he's insulting. :why?: