Well...now, I'm, at least, intriqued...clues to another game, maybe?
So THAT'S why Xehanort claimed Vanitas was a mistake; with that much hair underneath his helmet, I'd go nuts, too. Kinda makes sense that practically begs us to 'erase him'. :huh:
*waits for you on the other side*
*tosses DPWolf the shotgun*
Idk, I don't really see the big deal.
*pulls out sword* I was polite. I was reasonable. Remembeh, you foiced ta do dis!
*hands you small vial and scapel* This is all you need. If you want, you can even give me a hair sample.
*rolls eyes* Fine, how about this? I take a sample, and clone your rump!
*reattaches tooth* SILENCE! I'm the royal, gross old hag! D8<
I'm just glad I got out intact, and with a passing grade. ...I think I broke Skittles.
*disinfects* Yah, dere's a reason for that...
Just people on this site... Not really...I'm going crazy just sittin' around. There's nothing to do.
Now, why you no share? The key to a good rump roast is a good rump! Wasn't fun, that's for sure. A taste of deh rump roast will make it all bettah....*whacks again*
For me, it's the fact that too many people I know have left. I don't get to go back til the 13th. But then again, it's college, so...yeah.
*blinks* You want first bite, too? I got sick because I tried pulling an all-nighter during my last day of finals for an online class I hardly did any work in. I freaked out due to a misinterpretation on the due date, and in the process made myself sick. ...*whacks again*
Idk, you always leave for certain extended periods of time, it always surprises me to see you online. I take it you're back in school?
No, that' not the reason why I was so sick. Down! Down, I say! *peeks under sofa* I'm willing to let you have the first biiiiiiite.
I don't know him personally. Good for you, I guess.
How often are things taken seriously in the spamzone, though?
GAH! YOU LIVE STILL! *passes out in amazement* DX