Search Results

  1. KeybladeSpirit
    Best version of this song ever.

    Also, I'm going to see it this Sunday. Is it as good as everyone says? I've never been a fan of Disney's CGI stuff.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KeybladeSpirit
    Agreed. Con dances are way better.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. KeybladeSpirit
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. KeybladeSpirit
    They actually are delicious. Super easy to make, too. 1 egg, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of milk, salt to taste, stir until batter. Add oregano and other pizza-y spices if desired. Place pepperoni or other sliced meat on griddle until sufficiently fried. Pour batter on top. Flip when ready. Add shredded cheese on top. Remove when ready. Usually make 5-6 pancakes.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KeybladeSpirit
    I know how to make pizza pancakes. Does that count as not breakfast food?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KeybladeSpirit
    That reminds me. Should I cosplay as Misato or Asuka for Matsuricon? I lost a bet at Ohayocon.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. KeybladeSpirit
    So why have I managed to schedule two dates (one was last Sunday and the next this coming Sunday) with two different girls within the past week? Did I break the game or something?
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 29, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KeybladeSpirit
    Completed Objectives:
    1. Find a rare cosplay. (Ian Sinclair as the 7th Doctor)
    2. Say the sentence "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today," to a table full of complete strangers who seemingly have no connection to one another.
    3. Get one figurine or statuette for my collection. (Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Swimsuit)
    4. Get my Persona 4 Artbook signed by Vic Mignogna. (Bonus: Got Vic's concert DVD complete with the Full Metal Fantasy fan film as an extra.)
    5. Get the prizes for the people who won the prizes.
    6. Get Eden of the East: Paradise Lost on Blu Ray
    7. Get Eden of the East: The Complete Series signed by Ian Sinclair
    8. Bought LOTS OF COMICS from the con center's comic store. (Mostly ponies)
    9. Pre-Regged for Matsuricon.
    1. Get EotE:TCS signed by Jeremy Jewell (2:30-4:00)
    2. Get a Taxi home. (4:30?)
    3. Mail the prizes to the people who won the prizes. (Later this week)
    1. Discover that Panty and Stocking induces awesome dreams when you nap to it.
    2. Found out about Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed. I'm a few years late, but I saw it in the video room after I woke up from a nap and I loved all three episodes that I saw. I'm totally gonna watch the rest later.
    3. Met Shaggy. Will post video later.
    4. Noticed that the con food court is a beautiful cultural melting pot. It's got Mexico, China, Italy, Japan, New York, Greece, and whatever the hell Chicken 'n Egg is. That's like all the countries that matter!
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. KeybladeSpirit
    Well, only a dozen or so people speak English. Maybe his language has a higher person:speaker ratio?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KeybladeSpirit
    Not with that attitude, you don't.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KeybladeSpirit
    I think that FLCL one of the few things that has to be taken exactly at face value to "get it." It's not deep or cerebral, it's a fun show about a kid growing up and a woman fighting monsters that come out of a portal in the kid's head. The deepest message to be gotten out of the whole thing is that life is totally unpredictable and whether or not something makes sense to you has no bearing on if it's possible. Everything else is just people overthinking it. In fact, I kind of think that much of it is Evangelion style symbolism. There's always a way get meaning out of it, but it means little to nothing in the context of the work itself.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KeybladeSpirit
    It makes for awesome dreams. It's even more amazing than watching it awake.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KeybladeSpirit
    Liquid mercury is for lower life forms. True sentient life eats frozen mercury for breakfast.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. KeybladeSpirit
    Snopes spreads lots of phony rumours just to debunk them for their site. Who's to say that the rumours they "prove" false are actually false?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KeybladeSpirit
    Indeed. I'm positively Plumstruck!
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KeybladeSpirit
    Haley Joel Osment self-identifies as a parrot. In his mind, he died four years ago because his owner forgot to feed him.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KeybladeSpirit
    Well, it could be so hyped up that people don't realize that it was a thing for quite a while before the show started. Wait, never mind.[DOUBLEPOST=1390643227][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Is the OST legit even if I pirate it?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KeybladeSpirit
    It would if either of those sections existed.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KeybladeSpirit
    plz sign. hentai would be cool too
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 25, 2014, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KeybladeSpirit
    You. I'm unignoring you.
    He meant that you don't know the meaning of "ironic."[DOUBLEPOST=1390601859][/DOUBLEPOST]
    당연하지! 당신은 내가 누군지 도대체 생각하십니까?
    (Of course not! I know who the hell you think you are?)
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone