Well that was quick, cool ! You missed ... err ... coming any second now ...
Done. Now where to put it ...
I sing a lot but only if I' m alone, in public I' d rather whistle.
At the very least you might wanna make sure he wasn' t an organ donor.
I know that song, he sang it with French singers, Khaled and Faudel :
It' s ****ing epic though. Trust me, I hate romantic comedies, but that one is just too funny. Here' s the pitch : there' s Bill Murray in it.
Well maybe they should lead the pack then, cause secular schools don' t deny anyone' s right to pray to himself.
I could not possibly say, you' d have to ask Boy Wonder. But then, you know, it' d be awfully complicated not to piss anyone off, I mean mention Jesus and you lose some Muslims, mention Allah and you lose some Christians, some Buddhists don' t even believe in a God, etc etc ... I began typing before you mentioned it (yeah, I' m that slow). As for the "happy" question it wasn' t meant to antagonize you in any way, sorry if it did, I just genuinely wonder if that' s what you had in mind when you spoke of not getting rid of it entirely.
Keyword : Christian. I suppose the other campus Boy Wonder mentioned is this one : http://www.wmctv.com/story/19511205/utc-switches-to-silent-moment-not-prayer-at-games They switched to a generic moment of silence. Happy ?
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/10/m...hat-christian-symbols-make-them-uncomfor.html Secularity was perfectly enforced in the schools I' ve been to and I' ve never heard any religious person complain about it. Times are changing though, it seems some Muslims are beginning to try and push their religion into French public schools. BTW, in both our countries secularity was inscribed in the laws by religious people, because they saw what happens when the state and the church do sleep in the same bed and it' s not a pretty sight. The issue isn' t as bull****** as you make it sound, and protesting as soon as a religion asks for a finger is the best way to not have them ask for an arm later.
Separation of state and church. School is supposed to be secular, which is a decision that was taken in order to protect religious beliefs. I take it that this prayer is Christian, is it followed by a Muslim prayer, then a Jewish prayer, then a pagan ritual, then a Scientology prayer (not sure they have any but you get my drift), so on, so forth ? Can atheists just leave and get back later instead of having to sit through what' s tantamount to proselytism ? If you want to be fair either you represent all beliefs or you represent none, none is much simpler to enforce.
I suppose you already looked there, but just in case : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnipotence As you can see neither religions nor philosophers reached a consensus. Which is understandable, it's not like we actually found an omnipotent being to experiment on. All we can do is throw hypothesis around, if we can't test any of them then we can' t settle on any answer, it would be an argument from ignorance
Holy crap, it was my only go-to place for Japanese gaming news. :/ At least it seems he found something interesting to do, so good for him I guess. If you find/know another site just as reliable and quick please do share, 80% of the news of all the French sites that I use are just Andriasang news translations.
I only understand the French parts, she keeps saying "You' ll come back to me, your heart is mine, if Allah wants it", but then she basically says there' s a better match for him than her out there and she wishes him to find her ... make up your mind ?
They' re all quite popular ... here, I' d be amazed to hear you already heard' em all. French : Spoiler Belgian : Spoiler
Huh. You sure about that ? Cause otherwise I would suggest the X Files. Supernatural has a lot of X Files veterans working behind the curtains, some of its episodes are even almost copypasted from the X-Files. Although the Sam/Dean/Caestiel/Bobby dynamic has its funny moments it' s also often very cheesy, overall I think the Mulder/Scully dynamic worked a lot better. I kept watching the X-Files for its mythos, I keep watching Supernatural for its cool loners (there' s usually two-three-four of them per season).
Hmm, you may be right, but even then would they really bother taking such a comfy pose in the middle of a brawl ?
Yup, about that, I thought she was a psychic or something (I only saw her in Capcom games, no clue what her background is) but apparently she also has a skeleton made of rubber.
I enjoyed the movie, not quite one of my favorite movies ever but a nice movie nonetheless. I didn' t read the original btw, which usually helps appreciating adaptations for what they are. There' s a shot in that movie that I' m not about to forget though : It' s refreshing to see an alien invasion summer blockbuster whose priciest and most complex shot doesn' t feature any alien, starship or explosion. If you wonder what' s so special about it then watch it while imagining you' re the one holding the camera, basically you' d have to be the love child of Clark Kent and Kitty Pride or something.