I' m afraid we' ll have to amputate.
What strikes me the most in this trailer is the 358/2 Days music at the end, I don' t know if it' s a re orchestration or just a testament as to how lame the DS music chip is.
You' re assuming, the pirate would understand the data, which is doubtful. DNA code is basically a bunch of A, C, G and T, translated into binary code it would be a bunch of ones and zeros. I have a hard time imagining a hacker looking at it and going "huh, blue eyes ...". Even if he was actually well versed enough in biology to translate it chances are he would only see this data as a password, why the hell would he care about what it actually means ?
Admit it, if you could spy his shower through a peeping tom while making strange sounds you totally would.
Actually I' d rather have pirates stealing my "DNA" than my credit card numbers. Ideally I' ll avoid giving either. However, what do they mean by DNA ? Would I have to spit on the console or something ? When did DNA tests become so simple to do ? Something buggy this way comes.
I played it with the keyboard, once you' re accustomed to it it' s much more precise than a gamepad for tank control games. However if memory serves the initial keyboard layout in SH2 sucks balls.
Try to right click on the file, click on properties and toggle "read only" off. I suspected you also wanted to change the controls. No clue as to how you could get around it, sorry.
Have you tried getting around the problem by changing the .ini file directly rather than by using the in-game options menu ? Read this : http://forums.techguy.org/games/112435-silent-hill-2-pc-options.html Basically the numbers at the end of each line represent the chosen setting. Save the original .ini file elsewhere beforehand, in case you' re afraid to screw it up. I think when it comes to boolean (on/off) values 0 means on and 1 means off. It' s either that or the other way around. He explained what the resolutions values are and I guess you' ll have to go with trial and error for the sound.
Happy Birthday !Cross your eyes and make a wish ! Spoiler
From what you said I suspect you already read this, but just in case : http://silenthillforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19729 The game ran perfectly on the two laptops I played it on without me having to tweak anything, it just crashed sometimes but we can save whenever we want so that' s not really an issue.
Your "theory" landed in another family. Spoiler
How about a KH 1.5 International for Europe and America, then a KH 1.5 FM for Japan only ?
When dealing with African myths you' re always lying on quicksand : they discovered writing very late in the game so all of their cultural heritage was transmitted orally, which is the best way to distort it real quick. The Greeks did write down their myths but they still relied heavily on oral transmission, which is why all their myths have several declinations, none being more valid than the other. A French site that I found says that Mami Wata pretty much has as many cults and myths as she has followers. However she' s one of the rare African deities whose various representations remained consistent, because the Yoruba deities are almost the only ones whose representations have human features. Most African gods are nature itself (animism), Mami Wata is one of the very few exceptions to that rule of thumb. http://www.masque-africain.com/sculptures.html I' d be happy to translate it all, but it doesn' t say much more than her Wikipedia page.
OK seriously, what the hell are you on ? He' s pointing out that there are government representatives (teachers) telling their students when would be a good time to pray, about what and how, which is none of their business. The students should be free to decide all of that on their own, they can pray whenever the hell they want, that petition doesn' t deny that right in the slightest. I thought you didn' t like the government meddling into what people believe or think, so ... why are you mad at Boy Wonder again ?
And that' s leaving the VAT out of the equation, amongst other things. I' m not that surprised he' d try to sell such a reasoning, it can be heard in in my country too (see my parents), but it was so poorly worded that it underlined his own hypocrisy. I wonder if anyone fell for that lame scam attempt.
Personally I enjoyed Odin Sphere much more. Muramasa was much shorter and easier, if memory serves it only took me a week to reach Lv 100 and complete everything. Great game nonetheless, it was a pity to see such gorgeous artworks wasted on a scart socket console.
^ You know George W. Bush doesn' t exist, right ?
Just because he didn' t say it in front of cameras (as far as he knew) doesn' t mean that' s what he truly thinks, that' s what he wants those millionaires to think. Now that being said : "There are 47 percent of the people who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, that they are entitled to you-name-it. My job is is not to worry about those people." Contending that he is a self-made millionaire who earned his own fortune, Romney insisted, "I need your money cause I can' t win on my own." Lol. "Discussion on a whole series of important topics typically doesn't win elections." In Amurica.