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  1. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    Source :

    Well what do you know, turns out there' s a way for Kitty to get even manlier !
    Thread by: Patman, Nov 6, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Patman
    To this date Lost Odyssey remains the best RPG of this gen to me. It felt more like a Final Fantasy than all the post-PS1 Final Fantasy combined. Plus it' s ancient, so it' s probably super cheap.

    Eternal Sonata (another RPG) was also quite enjoyable. Although it' s in 3D its art direction often reminded me Legend Of Mana, and its mind-boggling ending was brilliant.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    Oh OK. I was weirded out to only find a single stone type pin in that list, so I figured you' d add other pins regularly in the future.
    I wanted my Play Your Cards Right pin back. ;~;
    Post by: Patman, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Patman
    Bulky Medal, The Beginning, The Beginning FM, KH-Vids 2010, KH-Vids 2011, Blue Skull, Pink Skull, Green Skull and Bronze Skull please !

    If I' m correct it will cost me all of my shards (6) and a stone.
    BTW, does our material list indicate which is usable and which is recharging ? Or do we have to keep track ourselves ?

    Thanks a lot !
    Post by: Patman, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Patman
    Homophobia is so gay.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Patman
    Wondering if the source of statistical data is biased or not is a valid objection, however he failed to notice that CNN mentioned its source, namely the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here' s their website :

    Slow down, you' re nearing ad populum territory.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  8. Patman
    I ended up with Stein in the survey. Obama came up second but far behind.

    That' s an understatement. Hell, describing Bush as an idiot is exceptionally generous.
    I really wonder which country he had in mind (if any), but it sure ain' t France.

    Oh, and if those quotes in the rape leaflet posted earlier were legit quotes then search no further, now you now why the rest of the world often stereotypes Americans as a bunch of inept buffoons.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  9. Patman
    Probably. That, and FF XIV (which I left out in my translation). I assume once those two are out of the way they' ll stop playing dumb about the rest.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  10. Patman
    Actually this photo ignores the point. What she was wearing is utterly irrelevant, she could have been nude and taking Kama Sutra poses for all I care. If she said no she said no, period.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  11. Patman
    See ? You sped up the poor lad' s heart rate. You' re immoral. ^^
    Post by: Patman, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Patman
    During the Paris Games Week the french site FF Dream interviewed Julien Merceron from SE.

    I' m too lazy to translate the whole thing so here' s a summary :

    - Vs XIII : He agrees with Wada to describe its situation as "ongoing" because the project is extremely ambitious, but he thinks that when it will finally be shown people will realize that the wait was worth it. (Yeah, the usual marketing brush under the rug, but given how much expectations that game raises I figured I should translate this anyway).

    - Lightning Returns : The interviewer said that game seems very different from the previous XIII and asked if it was build from a VS XIII prototype this time around. Julien Merceron answered that his assumption is correct (in terms of technology, not of gameplay). From a creative perspective the game, though sharing gameplay and design roots with its elders, will also be fairly different.

    - Agni' s Philosophy : The interviewer mentioned a rumor about a new PS4 demo to be shown in June, Julien Merceron confirmed that a new Agni demo will indeed be shown next year, and that this time around it won' t run just on PCs (the interviewer insisted, saying "But not on PS3 or 360 right ? Right ?" to no avail. ^^)

    Also, Julien Merceron said that he likes open world/sandbox games and that SE is interested in trying that out in the future.
    Thread by: Patman, Nov 2, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Patman
    The movie hasn' t been released where I live, but I saw the screener online and couldn' t resist checking if it was worth paying for.
    The screener quality was awful, even for a screener. Not bad enough to prevent me from noticing the cheap CGI fiesta that it is, but sometimes I couldn' t even tell what was going on so I' ll focus on the story.

    It' s bad.

    It' s so fast paced we never get the dream-like feeling that the games deliver (which is strange given that dream-like quality is explicitly mentioned by Vincent to describe SH). Basically this movie is a ride, Heather stays with Vincent from beginning to end and the rest of the cast gets five minutes of screen time tops. Don' t expect character fleshing for anyone but Heather.

    Vincent is just laughable. Not because they changed him but because...
    no one in his right mind could swallow that seeing Heather for two minutes would be enough to make this religious zealot of epic proportions throw all of his faith away without ever looking back.
    Oh and by the way, I didn' t mind seeing those two making out in the movie but ... neither seems to acknowledge at any point that
    they are freaking cousins.

    Also, this movie keeps retconning the first one, which makes me wonder why the hell they didn' t chose to start with a clean slate instead. I realize the original game script wasn' t exactly a masterpiece either, what made it stand out was its direction, but at least it didn' t keep rewriting its predecessor. As far as I can tell from a bad screener this movie direction is rather unimaginative, 100% Hollywood. It' s like they wanted the movie to never get deeper than a poodle. Special high five to the Pokemon fight (you' ll see what I mean).

    It seems many people criticize the dialogs and their delivery, but English is not my mother tongue so I' m generally blissfully ignorant regarding those details *shrugs*.

    Tldr, generic PG13 horror movie. Just a mainstream SH fanfiction put to the silver screen really. Despite my ramblings I did enjoy watching it for its fan service (nice backgrounds, cameos, nods to the games etc ...), it might be enough to make me pay and watch it in a theater. Just don' t expect more than mindless fun and you might enjoy it too.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Patman
    Although I do like those movies (and comics in general), "must see" is pretty much the last thing that would come to my mind to describe them. The first movie I would show her ... huh ... how about Forrest Gump ?
    Post by: Patman, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
    OK, now this freaks me out :


    Why of course, just go ahead and throw away everything that came before you, that' s GENIUS ! The fans wishes sure haven' t been trampled enough lately. I mean who cares about such trivial things as canon and continuity, am I right ?
    Post by: Patman, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Patman
    It' ll probably pick up the Thrawn trilogy.

    Honestly I don' t think it can be that much worse than letting Lucas ruin it himself, I' ll wait and see.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Patman
    Chain of memories, I was 24 and couldn' t afford a PS2 back then. I was into FF, me and my sisters used to watch Disney Channel every week end when we were kids, so I was rather curious about that most peculiar cross-over.

    On a side-note one of my sisters apparently still is a Disney nuts, her house kinda looks like a temple dedicated to Winnie the pooh in places. My lil' nephew (her son) is too young to speak, not even gibberish, yet last week I took him in my arms and he noticed a Winnie plush dangling in a car near us, which he immediately pointed with his finger, making a big exclamation sound.

    Incidentally although I still am into video-games KH 1&2 are the only games I own that I can stuck my young cousins with without having second thoughts.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Patman
    I' d just do this, it usually gets the job done :

    Shut up Marvin.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patman
    Back then I bought a "device" to clean up the console and cartridges. The NES cartridges socket is a little hard to reach and clean without it, but for the cartridges using a wet q-tip would have been the same. It' s much more efficient than blowing, but you have to wait and make sure it' s all dry before you play.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    A Nes. It' s at my parents' house, but years ago my dad lent it to someone and somehow he only got the console back, not the games. x_x
    Post by: Patman, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone