lol I don't mind the work. It will keep me busy, and who knows. I am cheap and have a budget of zero XD any profit I make off of it is 100% profit...
I am planning on making it animated in photoshop if you didn't guess it, so hopefully all I will need is a few sketches and I can animate it...
Well think of that movie XD I am anticipating something that makes very little sense but is completely awesome XD Shouldn't be too hard XD My...
Indeed it does :D I am looking for something awesome lol. I dont really know how to explain it, so I will describe a movie to you I have seen....
lol I wish. however helium kills brain cells lol. The lack of oxygen harms your brain XD
That is probably a very good guess. Your's is as good as mine lol. I actually have no idea what it will be. I have come up with a plan for my...
Awesome! Somebody has faith in me! :D (me not being one of them lol jk) Now, can you venture a guess as to what ganra it might be? :D
A @ls of coke? :o THAT IS AWESOME! :D I am breathing awesome gas XD (I dunno, air sounds too boring XD)
Random question (there best kind there is XD): How mad (being insane) or awesome (being me) would you think I would be if I told you I was...
lol Nope. Nearly all my family is anti sport XD My parents watch Nascar XD And nah, that doesn't really count lol.
lol Yea. My down hills are usually fun. So are my up hills. Hell, in all arrogance, I am fun in general XD Anything fun happen since yesterday?...
I am pretty good actually :D I sadly didnt get my 1000 things done today though T.T lol Sora's apprentice and me had a several hours long chat XD...
Wazzah? :D lol Hey, how are you?
lol I have the build for it, I just don't feel like spending six days a week being a completely uncivilized beast, the very thing I would very...
Yup. I tried football when freshmen year first started. I am a large guy, 6ft 5,everybody told me I should play football. I absolutely hated it. I...
lol See? Who says a little exercise never hurt anyone? XD See mom, better safe then sorry LOL lol jk, I am no stranger to soreness. I learned to...
lol Alrighty then XD
lol I see. how are you? :D
Hey, Im here.
lol You used several. Sorry for not responding, I didn't see your message XP And then I went to bed XD