Herp yeah!
A challenge for the staff
We have another Rufus! =DDDDDDD
Other: "The Others"
I have a very limited selection of fonts, sadly. I guess you could say I'm lazy using impact in most of my sigs. I blurred the text purposefully however because I didn't want there to be very much attention on it, I probably would have blurred it more if I'd had the chance. XD I get what you're saying about the background though. Thanks for the cnc, Madame Beaux.
You couldn't cut the irony with a katana. :T
If you had split personalities you'd have random blackouts, which I assume you don't. You're going through puberty, suck it up.
This was mostly a photomanip, and I really manipulated the lightning more then anything else. (It's pretty large)Original pic: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/Cin999/Stocks/Drake.jpg cnc or whatever.
So I came into this thread thinking I'd see some black **** on a white background, but when the page actually loaded I jizzed everywhere, my eyes have never been so happy. Yellow on white forever.
So they'd be Mudchips. DOHOHO.
Go die somewhere. :T
Aw Dawg you had me trippin' they' maan. XD I love you, so much. :T
Yo b, I **** you up. I'm sersly, I cut yo balls, maan.
K *****, can I axe you uh queshtun? You Racist, g?
Why day b uh homsexual in yo sig *****? Dat shit b tight 'nd shit,
So now you see in HD? Congrats. Most people just get Cataracts. And then they die.
Incest = Dramatic
. /thread