What happened since my disappearance? *goes blame internet connection*
Banned for joining on july Sorry XD
21049 Now we look at the sky wait, it's already night time here, so how will I see clouds *cries in corner*
Banned for being a banning person wait...
Yeah, they did Sora's clothes so why not mickey's Mickey's suit looks like a black suit version for spiderman cause he used to have red.....nevermind
Banned for having your avatar cry
It's like you've milked a sweet cow from California, because that's where happy cows live
^ like 1 min is nice Hot or not, it's better anytime, even with chocolate syrup, but it won't taste vanilla anymore though
banned for having Axel dance Hips Don't Lie (nice avatar BTW) (been planning to change the avatar, I'm getting a little bored with it)
It's better when you heat the milk first in the microwave then you put sugar, it taste really good
21047 Wheeeeee
Putting sugar in milk taste like very sweet vanilla
First, try and clear your thoughts, then focus, start with the plot, and try and find yourself to the end. it works perfectly if you're in a nice quiet place so you can hear yourself think EDIT:And only slight sometimes when it comes to smaller details of the story
21041 Bye Bye....
Banned for Zexion Sig
No, but was afraid of a video game when I was small, think it was silent hill for the PS1 or was it resident evil
21036 Looks like Rem
21034 Fallen Angel = One scary vid
Hel- Bye Bye....:sideways:
Banned for having a trainer's card