Almost all MMO's look like that. I wonder if they're gonna stick to their one time payment thing or have a monthly fee? Seems interesting though. Their games always have a ton of stuff to do in them.
Alot of the japanese games have much smarter AI. I just hate it when they release it here and they make the game easier.
What happened to those other guys you dated here? D:
Nice new bathing suit. Standing out ftw?
With a few modifications, yes.
Sadly no. I have everything but a controller for it >:
Nice. Well if you have the movies in the right format, just stick it in the Videos folder and it should show up.
Drag them on to your memory stick? Im not sure cause I still have my 30 mb one and cant hold much other than the wallpaper for my background and my saves lol.
lol, I think I've made posts on here from my psp, wii, and ps3.
This happened to me too. Now I cant have babies >: Re-post this to a jillion other people or else you'll become super rich.
I knew they'd do it. I cant wait till more details come out~ That teaser looks great though.
Je m'appelle est fromage :]
Try making an MMO. You get people complaining every second D:
I admire my babycakes ;D *luvs K a i r i 4ever*
Oh god, only mainstream crap. I guess thats code name for whore FF again. Final Fantasy: Advent Seniors anyone?
Good thing I got a life. Lemmings, Hooooooo!
lulz, I remember that.
lol, a forum gave her the best memories she's had.