Im on there yes? =D
I remember that. Black cat avy's ftw~
If you really want to attract more people looking for a contest, try making the thread in here: . Members in the spamzone are always posting stories about stuff that happened so if their eyes cross this then you'll get much more people. And um....My brother was riding a cat once. I guess thats cute >.>
So you finally went crazy and killed something cute and fluffy? xD
You must've not looked hard, because on the first page of the MMORPG section is this thread:
I hate you too =D. Although it looks like he was J-walking in the first place. Either way thats why crosswalks were made. But yeah, it does suck that no one helped.
2249.37m. Im going to go for over 9000.
Plus if they needed to pull characters, they'd just use the other FF games like Tactics and such.
Sounds awesome. Now I wish I hard GHIII for the PS3. Darn the wii's lack of extra content.
lol, it does remind me of pokemon snap. Except you'll probably have some freedom in what you can go see. And it does look quite good. I hope Afrika and that gardening game doesnt make me forget how to kill.
I get to bake cookies tonight =o
Why would they put sora in this? He isnt in any Final Fantasy's.
He got a life/went to a better forum?
Ris? Is it really you? D: Anyways, the sig is pretty awesome. The smudge work for the background is very crisp. The coloring for the whole thing is well picked. The text looks good since it matches the feel of the sig. The other text is hard to see though. You'll want to change that color so people can read it easier. But I looked closely and it does look great. I would usually remark that this is too big the be used as a sig, but something like this would look bad squished down. Very good work Ris, I didnt even know you did GFX.
Lucky. I only have the ps1 version.
Well duh its a real thing. Other people are getting that too. Even me sometimes~
Well that was a weird way to find out what kitty does in her spare time >:
omgiseerabiesinthesky There you go :D
If you look around, there should be another version of the video that lists each song and when it starts.